why do people bid then not pay

there are way to many people that bid and do not pay im sick of it ebay doesn't waste time to add fees to your account ,sellers should not be charged till the buyer pays. im **bleep**

Message 1 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

You get your Final Value Fees refunded by eBay when a buyer does not pay and you follow the correct procedure.



Message 2 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay


Hello 'james',

Once you've filed your Unpaid Item cases and got all your fees back, you might like to add

those particular irritants to your blocked bidder list:



No sense risking their return.  Then, from the same page you can block all those equally irresponsible

louts with 2 or more Unpaid Item strikes, as they tend to be repeat offenders:



You'll notice no end of ways to block people from buying your items.  But as every successful seller

knows, if you block too much you won't sell a whole lot.


If you are one of those people for whom the mere thought of an unpaid item makes you apoplectic,

then perhaps you should set up your listings with a fair price using Immediate Payment Required:



This is the one and only way to stop unpaid items.  And best of all, you won't have to block anybody.

That is why so many sellers like this option.  It maximizes your sales whilst completely eliminating

unpaid cases.


Happy selling  Smiley Happy



Message 3 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

@dmil8030 wrote:


Hello 'james',

Once you've filed your Unpaid Item cases and got all your fees back, you might like to add

those particular irritants to your blocked bidder list:



No sense risking their return.  Then, from the same page you can block all those equally irresponsible

louts with 2 or more Unpaid Item strikes, as they tend to be repeat offenders:



You'll notice no end of ways to block people from buying your items.  But as every successful seller

knows, if you block too much you won't sell a whole lot.


If you are one of those people for whom the mere thought of an unpaid item makes you apoplectic,

then perhaps you should set up your listings with a fair price using Immediate Payment Required:



This is the one and only way to stop unpaid items.  And best of all, you won't have to block anybody.

That is why so many sellers like this option.  It maximizes your sales whilst completely eliminating

unpaid cases.


Happy selling  Smiley Happy


For some sellers who sell more than one item to a buyer, Immediate Payment would lose sales, not maximize them.

Message 4 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

I think that the real question should be :  "Why do people bid and then not pay ""as quickly as you'd like?"""


As a seller I have very very few non-paying buyers, but I do have some who wait quite some time to pay.

I have no problem with that at all.


I'm pretty sure that if sellers just backed off a little that  the problem would be greatly reduced.


As a buyer, there are rare occasions when I don't pay right away because I've depleted my paypal funds and I want to wait until I have money in that account again rather than pay another way which would mean a longer wait (if I pay by e-check) and additional fees for me.


The way some sellers respond to that delay is really obnoxious.


They hound  you and open cases and send pushy messages almost immediately and they can be relentless.


If a seller wants immediate payment then listing should be set up that way and/or that seller should not run auctions.

Pestering buyers the way some sellers do is obnoxious.



Message 5 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

My instinct are always right. LOL.


I don't send messages, I don't send invoices. I have it set up automatically that if you don't pay in four days you get an unpaid message. PAY OR DON'T BID. After four days I can get my final value fees back and relist. Then I block the person. If you are going to be stupid you get blocked.


As for waiting for funds in PayPal...that is no excuse. When I buy something I pay for it right away. It comes out of my debit acct right away when I have no funds in my PayPal acct.


It's common courtesy to the seller.


Message 6 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

Again, it looks like you have nothing for sale and no feedback. I'm starting to realize you may have blocked me as I blocked you the first time I read your posts. LOL.
Message 7 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

@pocomocomputing wrote:

For some sellers who sell more than one item to a buyer, Immediate Payment would lose sales, not maximize them.

Yes, I found out by trial and error that "IPR" can really foul up a multiple-purchase transaction, since it's impossible for a buyer to combine several items in one purchase.  Mind you, it seems the combined purchase feature isn't working too well at the moment anyway, at least where U.S. buyers purchasing from Canadian sellers are concerned. 


I'm hoping that the (promised) new cart system coming (sometime) to eBay.ca will alleviate non-payment issues but also permit multiple purchases easily.  

Message 8 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

I have been running a few auctions and got lucky on some best offer listings. average wait for payment seems to be 2-3 days.

Lemme see. I sold something I did not think I would sell, that quickly, or for that much? I can wait. My "personal" lag time for getting immediate stuff done is, wait for it, 2-3 days. Buyers are doing the same thing. I am good with it.
Message 9 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay


<<For some sellers who sell more than one item to a buyer, Immediate Payment would lose sales>>

<<...that "IPR" can really foul up a multiple-purchase transaction, since it's impossible for a buyer to combine several items ...

 .... new cart system coming (sometime) to eBay.ca ...>>  


I don't see how Immediate Payment Required would cause a loss in sales, not to those sellers who

want to be paid and never have to wait for payment, - or worse, get no payment.

It is best suited for those sellers whose heads explode every time they get an unpaid item.


Sure, some sellers leave all doors open and are very flexible about payment.  But then, they're not

the ones showing up on the boards grousing about unpaid items.


For buyers who wish to purchase multiples, they have always been able to contact the seller and say

which items they wish to purchase (if a shipping discount is to be forthcoming.)  The seller can take those

listings out of IPR, or refund any overcharge.  Perhaps I just don't have a lot of sympathy for people who

are so perennially uncivil that they find themselves unable to send a kindly worded note if inquiry to a seller.


Even in the old days before the cart, multiples could be purchased one-by-one on ebay Canada.  A nuisance,

but with those sellers who offer sinfully low-priced items, what's an extra minute or two out of one's life?

I've done it, so I suppose it just doesn't seem that big of a deal to me.  For the impatient, there was always

the option of going to the UK or US and using the carts there.


And I don't know why people keep saying that the Shopping Cart is not yet here, not when I've had the Shopping Cart

on ebay Canada for months now, fully functional.


        Smiley Frustrated



Message 10 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

@dmil8030 wrote:


And I don't know why people keep saying that the Shopping Cart is not yet here, not when I've had the Shopping Cart

on ebay Canada for months now, fully functional.



I expect you may have been one of the random fortunate ones for whom the cart roll-out has become available.  Here was the eBay.ca representative's reply when asked about this issue recently at the April 23rd Wednesday discussion (my emphasis in bold).  I would probably read his "couple of months" in the usual obfuscating eBay manner to actually mean "several months".


"We have a shopping cart partially deployed on eBay.ca right now and it is performing well. We will finish gradually ramping this experience up over the next couple of months.


The cart we have launched on eBay.ca already addresses the combined shipping problem raised by others in this forum previously, and the same fix we have applied in Canada will get rolled out on eBay.com in due course.


If your business model relies heavily on combined shipping, best option right now is to list on eBay.com. Your buyers will be able to combine items in the cart on eBay.com, as well as in the cart for a growing share of traffic on eBay.ca.


Once the fix has rolled out to eBay.com as well, buyers will be able to combine items listed on eBay.ca on eBay.com and vice versa, and it will no longer matter where you list." 


Personally, I've found that "IPR" has caused issues with buyers wanting to make a combined purchase.  True, the persistent ones do contact me to try to sort out the problem, but I have to wonder how many others have tried and given up.  The same applies to the (currently for me) non-functioning combined purchase feature, at least where U.S. buyers are concerned.  Now I only stipulate IPR on more expensive, individual items which I think are unlikely to be combined with other purchases.  


There is another issue with IPR that I like to keep in mind: not everyone has the funds available to pay instantaneously for an item they want.  I prefer to let my buyers have the option of having a few days to pay (wait for payday perhaps?) when they purchase.  I do believe this attracts more buyers, or perhaps more accurately that IPR might scare off some. 








Message 11 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay


Hello again 'rose-dee',  and thanks for that very nice response.  Smiley Happy

I'm at loose ends today, haha, and probably have too much spare time.


<<... the cart roll-out .... issue recently at the April 23rd Wednesday discussion...>>


Yes, I remember reading about that at the time, but couldn't figure out what all that ebayese mumbo-jumbo

was about since I'd had the shopping cart feature for so long.  From the day it first appeared it has been a constant,

and I used it right away and it worked great.  I just assumed everyone would have the same thing.  Weird how some

do and some don't.

Weird, weird, weird.


<<Personally, I've found that "IPR" has caused issues with buyers wanting to make a combined purchase.>>


I can see that, and when I'm shopping it is certainly easier and indeed preferable (for me) when the seller does not

use it.  But then, I always always pay right away.  (Unless the auctions are going on all week, at which time I send a

note to the seller explaining that I would like to nibble away at her items for a few days).


<<...not everyone has the funds available to pay instantaneously for an item they want >>


Right.  And you, like many sellers, are probably pretty easy-going about small delays, e-cheques, and giving

the buyer a bit of time to pay.  Some even allow 2 weeks or more, if the buyer sends a note.


I never once suggested Immediate Payment Required is the best way to list, period.  Nor did I imply that

by listing that way the seller will get more sales than without.


IPR is the best option for those sellers who truly are unable to adequately cope with the inconvenience of the

occasional unpaid item.  You've seen them, -- filing an Unpaid case and giving the nonpayer a strike is simply not

good enough for them,  no-o-o-o-o-o, they want to see all nonpaying bidders beaten to within an inch of their life

and then stuffed feet-first into a wood chipper.


<<I do believe this attracts more buyers, or perhaps more accurately that IPR might scare off some.>>


Right again.  And if you are one of those able to just roll up your eyes and get on with it when/if you have a

nonpayer, then sure, IPR would not likely be positive for you. 

However, for those people who are so twisted up about unpaid items that they seem to need medication,

they can lower their own blood pressure by setting up listings so that it will never happen to them again.


No one way is best for everyone, and ebay has a 'solution' for every conundrum.  People will be happiest

if they find what suits themselves best.  For sellers who don't deal well with slow payers and nonpayers,

IPR is probably the 'healthiest' option.


Or so it seems to me.  Smiley Very Happy



Message 12 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

Yes, I have to admit that I've suggested IPR to sellers on these boards who complained about waiting a few days for payment and seemed to be so stressed about it that they were unable to function except in expletives (although I don't recall having heard the wood chipper suggestion from any of them - very graphic image! Woman Very Happy).   


You are right that for those nervous nellie sellers, the trade-off of possibly losing potential buyers may be worth it for the reassurance of having money instantly in their hands.  I probably have a bit more tolerance than many sellers in that regard, so I have a different view of IPR. 


I use IPR only where it makes sense not to have a valuable, attractive item sitting in limbo while I wait for payment, or worse -- having the item snatched out of one buyer's hands by another if eBay shows it listed as still available.  I'm not certain whether that is still true on eBay, i.e. that an item remains available for purchase until payment is actually made, but I recall it being the reason IPR was promoted by eBay some months ago. 



Message 13 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

@jg01302 wrote:
Again, it looks like you have nothing for sale and no feedback. I'm starting to realize you may have blocked me as I blocked you the first time I read your posts. LOL.

They're using a forum postings only ID and not their main selling ID.

Message 14 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay


<<... having the item snatched out of one buyer's hands by another if eBay shows it listed as still available.

 ... an item remains available for purchase until payment is actually made...>>


If the buyer merely adds the item to her cart, then yes, it is still showing as available to other viewers.

Items can be moved in and out of the shopping cart.

If, however, your buyer absolutely wants the item, she needs to click Buy it Now, then Commit to Buy,

in order to take it out of circulation.

The item next appears in her Purchase History.  She will then be responsible for payment, - there's no going back.

She does not need to pay right way, though, -- you two can work out whatever terms you wish. 

But no one can grab it out from under her if she makes a committment.  Smiley Happy




Message 15 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

@dmil8030 wrote:


But no one can grab it out from under her if she makes a committment.   


I think this may be true of the new cart (which you have available), but it's not the case with the current system I'm working with.  A couple of months ago I had a buyer purchase a rather expensive item (using "BIN/Commit to Buy").  She was taking a few days to pay, and I discovered to my horror that the item was still showing up as an active listing in the meantime. 


I've since decided to always list such valuable, attractive articles with IPR to avoid any possibility of a "grab" by a second buyer while the first is delaying payment.  It probably does deter some potential buyers, but my feeling is that, having chosen an item and then having it grabbed by another buyer would be even more off-putting for buyers.  As a buyer, given that experience, I might not ever buy again from that seller, thinking that it was the seller's fault.


As I said, I'm hopeful this whole issue will be sorted out once the new cart is fully implemented.  It sounds as if it's working well for you!

Message 16 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

Why do people hide with different accounts? It shouldn't be allowed.

Message 17 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

As a member with seven IDs (none of them zero feedback), there are several reasons for having multiple IDs.

Posting IDs are often used when a seller does not want random nuts mischief- makers playing fast and loose with their bread and butter.  A posting ID gives the ability to give plain spoken advice (and sometimes rude catcalling) in security.

The two IDs I use for posting sell very different products - This one sells mostly vintage paperbacks with an emphasis on SF, while the other sells scarce philatelic literature and discount postage. These appeal to different audiences.

Other sellers may prefer not to mix their product lines especially if one of the product lines is best marketed only to 'mature' audiences.

And from time to time we see a posting ID used to hide an appalling reputation.

Message 18 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

I have had screaming profanity laden emails.

There are some folks, who post, that all they want to do is attack people. They go digging into their background and post anything negative they can find.

There are a lot of people who do not play well with others and then take it out on message boards.
Message 19 of 23
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why do people bid then not pay

Community Member

Agreed. I have a day job and have to fit trips to the PO with other errands on my days off or before work. Waiting for someone to take their time paying is frustrating and inconsiderate if I had another buyer that might had paid right away.


I changed my listing to pay right away, I didn't think it would be an issue till now. A first time ebayer with no feedback bought my camera but did not pay. I sent him invoices and emails and finally the last one asking him if he still wanted it or to cancel. BECAUSE I saw in his recent feedback that he bought the same camera from a seller in the US who somehow was able to ship a 2.5lb item for $3.18 First Class Mail??


I am steamed. I can't file until June 1st so I did a cancellation instead since that is only a 7 day wait. 


I decided to focus on items that are 2cm in depth after all my listings are ended. I just cant compete with US rates. 

Message 20 of 23
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