A freaking monkey could design a better search algorithm than what eBay uses. Case in point: When searching for an ipad pro pencil I had to add the following negative keywords before the object of my desire even became visible: Apple Pencil for iPad Pro -case -bag -holder -adapter -cover -cap -cable -penholder -clip -tip -tips -caps -band -dock. Count them: there are 11 separate searches here required to get past the spam. If I want a GD cap or tip or holder I'll freaking well search for it! Let's review business 101: your customers are leaving you and this is the reason why. If a shop never has what you want, do you keep going back? No, and this is analogous. The spam is so egregious on eBay that customers are walking. How do I know? Because I am. A single search on Best Buy reveals I can get it now and I can get it cheaper. Good-bye saps!