Shipped from wrong country (Import charges), Seller no longer registered and can't see listing.

Hello, I received a Door tag from Fedex today for what I assume is the order I made last week.

The order was from a "no longer registered on ebay" seller that showed to be in New Brunswick. However, on the Door tag there is an import charge since it shipped from WI, USA instead of NB, Canada. I have yet to go collect the item as I am unsure how to proceed, I don't want to pay 59.60$ on import charges for something that was supposed to ship from Canada.


So, I tried to get the original listing to confirm the item was indeed from NB, Canada but I can't since the seller "no longer registered on ebay" (or maybe its because its "still active" ?).


How should I proceed? Should I try collecting the item (and if the item is not as described, loose the import fee since I don't believe its covered by ebay) or let it sit at Fedex to be (I guess) shipped back to the US and proceed with a dispute?


If helpful, I paid by credit card.


Thank you.

Message 1 of 10
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Shipped from wrong country (Import charges), Seller no longer registered and can't see listing.

For a starting off point, you should be able to view your original purchase with all the specifics. Confirm if it noted Fedex was going to be used. Then go to the help section and call eBay CS. From there you can decide whether or not if you want to pay the import fees for your package or just refuse it so it gets returned to the seller.



Message 2 of 10
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Shipped from wrong country (Import charges), Seller no longer registered and can't see listing.

I cannot see the original listing, "We removed this listing from the site. For more information and next steps go to Messages. For information about delivery, view your order details." appears next to the purchase history and if I check the order details, only "No estimate available" shows up (instead of the usual listing name, and link to the original listing).

Fedex was indeed the listed Shipping service, its about the only thing I can confirm of the original listing with the info I got.

Thank you!
Message 3 of 10
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Shipped from wrong country (Import charges), Seller no longer registered and can't see listing.

Unfortunately with FedEx, Puro, UPS or Canadapost there would be an automatic fee for clearing charges + duties and taxes depending on the value of the item. FedEx processing charge would be quite a bit higher than the post office. The only way it could come down is if you were able to self-clear or had a volume of business and qualified for a discount.



Message 4 of 10
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Shipped from wrong country (Import charges), Seller no longer registered and can't see listing.

Yea, It seems the only logical way to proceed is to let them return it.
Only thing that gets me is that it was supposed to be shipped from Canada, not the US.
Message 5 of 10
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Shipped from wrong country (Import charges), Seller no longer registered and can't see listing.

If you paid by Paypal, you can work from there.

The PP Resolution Centre is at the top of the page under Tools.   

And of course your payment is on your first page under Recent Activity.


The reason would be "Not As Described".

You will need proof that the item has been delivered to the sending address- so you may have to call or better visit the FedEx office and get the tracking number. 

They are not going to be happy about the fuss of a refused package so be polite and pleasant. Although this is a really really annoying thing to have to do. 

Incorrect location is a Defect-worthy violation with eBay, for exactly the reason you want out of the deal, and may well be why eBay ended his selling account. 


FedEx has a nasty habit of turning packages over and charging your later for their fees. So be careful. 


When you buy on eBay you have three levels of protection, eBay's Money Back Guarantee, Paypal's Buyer Protection, and if you back your PP account with a credit card, the card's chargeback policy.



Message 6 of 10
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Shipped from wrong country (Import charges), Seller no longer registered and can't see listing.

The door tag does have the tracking number, in fact I had no idea it shipped from the US before I checked it.
I don't see how they would charge me if I don't provide a signature/credit card but yea, I'll be on the lookout thanks!
Message 7 of 10
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Shipped from wrong country (Import charges), Seller no longer registered and can't see listing.

“ I don't see how they would charge me if I don't provide a signature/credit card but yea, I'll be on the lookout thanks!”

Allow me to explain.

If you had been home at the time, FedEx would have come to your door and handed you the parcel and then driven away. You’d receive the bill for brokerage fees in the mail a few days later with no opportunity to refuse delivery or payment. Unlike UPS for example who tasks its drivers with collection, FedEx doesn’t.

Your issue with mis-representation on Item Location is valid. Best call eBay Customer Service to get explicit instructions on how to protect yourself on this.
Message 8 of 10
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Shipped from wrong country (Import charges), Seller no longer registered and can't see listing.


Message 9 of 10
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Shipped from wrong country (Import charges), Seller no longer registered and can't see listing.

@jean_coutu wrote:
I cannot see the original listing, "We removed this listing from the site. For more information and next steps go to Messages. For information about delivery, view your order details." appears next to the purchase history and if I check the order details, only "No estimate available" shows up (instead of the usual listing name, and link to the original listing).

Have you tried going to the site and looking at your purchases section there?

I had one purchase from a NARU seller disappear from eBay.CA but it was still visible on eBay.COM


I'm assuming the purchase was in the last 60 days (the default display time), older purchases requires changing the "see orders from" setting.

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