JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter






Folks, it's been awhile. Never too late for good cheer, right?

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Good Monday morning all. My son has my cold and he's probably gonna be staying home in bed. So Mom is staying home with him.

Starting to feel the magic of the season...even though it will be very different this year.

Christmas concert at my son's school tomorrow.

Message 61 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Ah, the world certainly seems to take more of a toll on us as we get a little more "mature".  LOL


(((Marian))) sorry the little one is not feeling well ... just what you needed in the middle of a move too.  OIY!  I hate moving!


I am looking forward to this upcoming move ... but not the moving part.  LOL


OK ... so another test batch of the new lotion went out today ... yes, we're working on another item for the same distributor.  Hopefully, now that we've done the process once ... this one will not take 4 years! 


So a couple of down days and then the season is here ... today is still rather busy ... but then the down time, eh?  LOL

I wish you:
Smiles when sadness invades you.
Confidence when you have doubts.
Comfort when you need it most.
Friends to light up your life.
Rainbows to climb up to the heavens on.

Message 62 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Community Member

Good afternoon all!


I hope all your Christmas preparations are going well.  I am down to gift wrapping and tree decorating.


The weather here is warm and dreary.  Looks like we won't be having a white Christmas.


My trial run of pastry making yielded 8 tart shells out of a potential 24!  The tart tins were greased but my those tarts are fragile!  My friend is bailing me out and helping me make the shells tomorrow.  Bless her heart.

It ends up I added a wee bit too much shortening to the pastry.  I thought a block of shortening was 2 cups, not the 21/3 I finally saw on the Crisco wrapping.  Live and learn.


Have a great day!


Sorry you miss your levee, Marian but it sounds like you will be making the most out of the 3rd.


Jannie, I couldn't keep up with you if I tried.  You are a wonderwoman.

Message 63 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Ah well on the levee. I just got an invite to another do on New Years Day so it's all good! And yes my Stephen's birthday is on the 3rd. 😄

While I love tradition, sometimes it's kind of fun to start new ones too.

Last night was Quinn's last Christmas concert. He starts Junior High next year and concerts are not part of that milieu. He didn't want to go yesterday. By the end of it, he told Mom I'm glad you made me. Next year I am a high schooler and won't get to sing.

Awwwww. He can sing in glee club ]:)

Message 64 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Good morning Marian, Jannie, Susan, Roni,  Claire, and all!  I am tired just reading about all you ladies are doing!

Hope you and the Q-man are both feeling better, Marian, and that your move goes well.  Wow, what a time to be in transition!

Jannie, I was shocked to hear your news, but glad to know 'another window has opened'.  I, too, ordered your new cream from T/H!  Unbelievable that you you are moving, too!  ( oh, and I didn't know quite what to make of your comment about the bday card, being that your bday was only a scant 8 months ago, LOL)

Susan, pastry-making has never been my forte, either; I try, and we make do.   Actually, I'm not much into baking at the best of times-I'd much rather put my time and effort into just cooking good home-style meals with nothing fancy.  

Claire, how were the dog cookies and ragout and birthday party!? We're preparing for the numeral uno shindig too.  I think it's amazing that you, Roni, and I all had new grand babies at the same time!  ( and it was already old-hat for Roni!). 

Marian, I miss the kids' Christmas concerts.  How nice that you got one last one in.  Unfortunately many local concerts have been cancelled around here with the ongoing teachers' union issues.


Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 65 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Good afternoon everyone!

Sherry, about the grand-babies, I was thinking the same  as you and here is the birthday girl, ready to dig into her cake.  😄

Message 66 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

I would have dropped in earlier except I didn't have my glasses on and thought this was a thread for friendly Bantams.

Message 67 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

just wanted to stop in and wish all the old gang a very happy & safe holiday season.

its so wonderful to see so many familiar faces 🙂 and read up on everyone's life over the past while

Message 68 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

(((((Christine)))) wonderful to see you drop in too....karl I love the banties!

Morning everyone. My hunny arrives from snowy Freddie-town today. I have 2 more days of work and 2 weeks off.

My frog boxes arrived yesterday.....awesome way to pack. Will definitely recommend them.

Message 69 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Good morning and happy Friday-before-Christmas....my last day of work for 2012.

Message 70 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Good Morning!


I've been re-miss ... down time ... baking ... tying up loose ends ... you know how it goes, eh?


Christmas Dinner ... Alex is home today ... Paul is home tonight or early tomorrow ... Ted will be here on Saturday. 


All the baking for nosh is done ... breads are all baked ... holiday cookies and other treats are done ... everything is purchased (except the fresh, free range turkey) and in house for the dinner itself.  Some, I cheated and made up in advance and put in the freezer (the sweet potatoe pie & the vegetable supreme) so that on the day my only responsibility will be the turkey and the gravy ... the rest just pops in the oven.  I've got biscuit mix done ahead ... just add milk and pop in the oven.


So I should have some time to share with everyone and not be in the kitchen the entire time.  I think I'm done and ready.  Oh, Oh, Oh ... made the cranberry sauce (our own cranberries, by the way) with orange zest and orange juice (too bad I cannot grow those! LOL) and what a great flavour!  Saw someone do it on food network.

I wish you:
Smiles when sadness invades you.
Confidence when you have doubts.
Comfort when you need it most.
Friends to light up your life.
Rainbows to climb up to the heavens on.

Message 71 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Last weekend we went out and purchased a new vehicle ... we only had one, so when the accident happened, we were stranded until we got another.


So we bought a KIA Soul ... we all need a little soul, eh?  LOL


http://www.kia.ca/pages/showroom/overview.aspx?model=Soul  PS .. the skies did not light up when we took it for a test drive.  LOL LOL LOL


It's like a grown-up mini!  We only wanted air ... no other extras ... but because we had to have a vehicle right away ... we ended up with air, cruise, automatic (our first vehicle with auto), tinted windows and a few other minor things.  They have their "wheel" of prizes thing going and we received a flat screen TV and a blue ray DVD player as gifts ... well, we don't have either of those items in our house, so I guess we'll put them to good use?

I wish you:
Smiles when sadness invades you.
Confidence when you have doubts.
Comfort when you need it most.
Friends to light up your life.
Rainbows to climb up to the heavens on.

Message 72 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Sherri!  Josh tends to be rather "forgetful" ... we found the card from you ... two take out insulated mugs that we thought we'd lost somewhere and had replaced ... other mail from all over, including a wedding invitation for one of my nieces.  LOL


He stuffs his stuff in that locker and it seems that once he's done that he doesn't look again.  OIY!  Good thing we're here to make sure he doesn't do that to his room, eh?  LOL


Everybody ... have a fantabulous day!

I wish you:
Smiles when sadness invades you.
Confidence when you have doubts.
Comfort when you need it most.
Friends to light up your life.
Rainbows to climb up to the heavens on.

Message 73 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Good afternoon everyone!

We had lots of rain yesterday but when we got up this morning it was snowing.  We'll have a white Christmas after all.  🙂

The Mayans were right in their prediction...


Message 74 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Good Afternoon!


Minus (-13) with light snow falling and overcast skies ... humidity at 75% ... in the geographic center of Canada.


Inventory ... baking ... cooking ... enjoying Paul & Alex being home and waiting for Ted ... Josh left to go to his Mom's this morning and he'll be back on the 26th until New Years and then he has another ski trip to go on.  Actually, he snow boards more than he skies ... but that's what the trips are called.  LOL


We're all talking about the move ... it's as if we've already sold the house and we're on our way ... interesting how this new adventure has taken everyone.  Alex would get to be home with his new wife and step-son instead of being on the road trucking and that's an important factor to him.


I'll still be doing the soap/lotion/creams/bath bombs, etc.  So my life will only change during the growing season ... it's so much longer in the Okanagan than it is here.  For me that's the important factor.


Paul is looking forward to being off the road again and working with family ... he loved his time doing the candles for that reason ... his important factor is working together again.


Josh's important factor is that he will be only 30 minutes away from the College he wants to attend and he'll have a part time job the rest of the time ... so he doesn't have to look for work or worry about having enough money coming in to get through school.


Ted's finishing up his Electrical Engineering in Edmonton and then has to wait until they send him his cross-canada papers once that's done ... he's looking forward to being in a "city" again so that he can move forward and perhaps have a social life once school is over.  LOL  He found MacGregor a little restrictive regarding a social life.


Have a fantabulous day, everyone!

I wish you:
Smiles when sadness invades you.
Confidence when you have doubts.
Comfort when you need it most.
Friends to light up your life.
Rainbows to climb up to the heavens on.

Message 75 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Good morning Marian and all.

Claire, what a lovely photo of your little angel!  She is adorable!

Am on the run, will check back in later and respond to a few more posts;  have a fabulous and hopefully not too stressfully busy day everyone!

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 77 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

"Just got back from picking up my turkey, my but it's adorable and cute as a button, or make that a bantam!!  What a  sweet pic of the baby banties, please keep us updated as they grow!  
I also bought some bake sale muffins, 9 to be exact, and pumpkin spice they be!!  Mmmmmm!My grandson's not allowed to  eat any, due to his allergies.  His upcoming birthday cake is going to have to be vegan, alas, but we'll have a regular cake for the rest of us.
Jannie, I love to hear the tales that come out of McG., and about your family, new and old.  I don't know of anyone that works as hard as you non-stop, and still has time for family and friends.  You are amazing!
Well, so is everyone that meets and greets in the cafe, thanks to Marian, to catch up on new things and reminisce about old things.You're all awesome, esp those knee deep in diaper changing and other adorable pastimes!  
Not being on FB, I enjoy reading about  everyone's moves, and recipes, and trials and tribulations, and accomplishments,  here in the cafe.  I'm looking forward to soon posting a Christmas AND birthday photo of my adorable wee little man, who, like Claire's granddaughter, is an angel, too!
Have a good one, everyone!  😉

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 78 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Sherri:  FB does not have the same "feel" as this coffee place does.  It never replaced chatting, at least not the type we do on here.


Still waiting for Ted ... he should have been here at 1AM ... but ... it's 2 and he's not here yet.  Door is open and the lights are on.


He spends so much time alone ... I do worry about him lots ... however, he seems to find time to call in on Skype and chat with us and keep us up-dated.


Love Skype ... we talk to Alex's wife in China ... we talk to Ted in Edmonton ... we talk to my cousins in Holland and we talk to family in Hamilton.  It's so Star Trek!  LOL  I know ... I'm a bit of a nerd.  LOL


So everything is in readiness ... had to shop for a few last minute things today ... then pick up the fresh turkey ... just waiting for Ted and then popping everything in the oven tomorrow ... we'll probably have the actual "feast" / dinner on Christmas Eve ... then "scrounge meals" for the rest of the holiday.  Well, we'll have some people over for Boxing Day yet ... but I have enough potatoe salad and other salads, meat & cheese platters, bread platters, fruit platters and veggie platters all done and ready for anything that might come up.


What a lucky family we are ... so much abundance and so much love!!!!!


Have a fantabulous day, everyone!!!! 

I wish you:
Smiles when sadness invades you.
Confidence when you have doubts.
Comfort when you need it most.
Friends to light up your life.
Rainbows to climb up to the heavens on.

Message 79 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

It's Christmas Eve.  🙂

Message 80 of 352
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