How many sellers on this board have sold over $1 million on eBay?

I have never seen this topic here before.  How many sellers here have sold over $1 million on eBay?  


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How many sellers on this board have sold over $1 million on eBay?


Message 21 of 29
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How many sellers on this board have sold over $1 million on eBay?

I know you have.  Revenue Canada was the farthest thing from my mind.  I was just curious how many passed the million mark.


Message 22 of 29
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How many sellers on this board have sold over $1 million on eBay?

I meant a $1 million  in sales, not income or profit.

I never realized that I was opening  a can of worms.

It was not my intention to snoop into private affairs.

Its been a rough summer for me.  I ruptured my Achilles Heel.

Message 23 of 29
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How many sellers on this board have sold over $1 million on eBay?

There are those that DO have a million dollars in sales....only you, your accountant  and CRA know the answer  ....the value of sales on eBay


The question was fully understood.


However, getting an answer to this and many other questions....are for a seller to know... proprietary information.... 


Generalities are for all sellers on eBay..


However, specifics ....  this question and may more will never get an answer.... in an open forum such as this..... Information placed here is available to everyone on the internet.


We do have to remember that in the 2013 tax form... they asked for the address of our internet store.... and all other websites


and very quickly everyone, including CRA has you on  line.


This discussion has been interesting... 




Message 24 of 29
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How many sellers on this board have sold over $1 million on eBay?

I was audited a few years back.  There is NOTHING you can say here that CRA does not already know.  

I was not looking  for information on my fellow sellers.  I  was just  wondering how many sellers have sold enough to pass the $1 million mark.  If my question offended anyone, then I apologize..

Message 25 of 29
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How many sellers on this board have sold over $1 million on eBay?

A much more interesting question is:  How many sellers make a decent living selling full time on eBay?


How many sellers make minimum wage or better selling on eBay? ($21,000/year+).


More interesting though: How many sellers make over (say) $50,000 / year profit or better selling on eBay?


Selling over a a million over the years means nothing at all.

For example:  What if the person paid $2 million for the stuff sold for $1 million?

How many years?  etc.

Message 26 of 29
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How many sellers on this board have sold over $1 million on eBay?

"How many sellers make a decent living selling full time on eBay?"


The question suggests successful sellers would limit their marketing efforts to eBay.  That is not the way I see it.


Thousands of individuals running small businesses own and manage very successful mail order businesses, selling online, using eBay as a venue.  However, I suspect most of them also use other venues to reach their customers. I know I did.


How much is eBay contributing to the success of those small businesses?  I guess it will vary from person to person.

Message 27 of 29
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How many sellers on this board have sold over $1 million on eBay?

Yes, and come to think of it, an even more interesting question would be how many sellers who come to these boards do use other venues as well?  


I don't expect (or want) anybody to reveal the exact locations/venues, but it would be enlightening to know whether others (like myself) are no longer relying exclusively on eBay for sales.  


That may have been different even 3 or 4 years ago when eBay was booming for smaller sellers, but my guess is that the majority of such sellers are now putting all their eggs in more than one basket as a "hedge" against even worse times on eBay, since it seems eBay is so focused on its big commercial sellers. 


P.S.  For the benefit of the moderators, I am not encouraging anyone to leave, just taking a small survey.  

Message 28 of 29
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How many sellers on this board have sold over $1 million on eBay?

@lukey9 wrote:

Hi Rose-Dee

It  is Das Katze-Atem Hotel Warenhaus

The Cat Breath Hotel General Store

I've never seen another Store on E-Bay close to that name

Ja, ich habe den Name verstanden (ich machte nur SpaB um das Katze-Atem). Woman Happy  

Message 29 of 29
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