05-05-2022 07:24 AM - edited 05-05-2022 07:25 AM
Good Morning everyeone,
I have been saling for a little time and now looking to open a store but don't know if it worth it or not.
Since last month I have been charge 0.06 for posting. I have near 400 listig at the momment. Will be adding more.
My question, should I wait untill I hit the monthly fees in 0.06 cents before opening a store or it would be better to open a store now. I am looking to open a store at 19.95 per month
Thank you in advence for your time and answer.
05-05-2022 12:00 PM
You can double the number of listings you have without any cost at all, by putting half of them on dotCA and half on dotCOM
Or listing on dotCOM and moving to dotCA when you run out of free listings.
The "free" listings for a Store are paid for by the subscription. The more listings you have the lower the cost for each.
With a US listing, you must list in US dollars.
You must ship to the USA
And you must use Flat Rate Shipping-- so don't use dotCOM for anything that must travel parcel rate.
And don't buy an annual Store Subscription until you are sure it will be worthwhile.
05-05-2022 03:26 PM - edited 05-05-2022 03:30 PM
The 5 cent (plus tax) only applies to media items (books/dvds/cds) on ebay.CA
Most other categories are 30 cents (plus sales tax). Just make sure the only listings you pay for are media items.
The suggestion of using ebay.com for some listings is a good one provided you don't exceed 250 listings on .com -- the reason being that over the limit listing fee is 35 cents (plus sales tax) -- ebay.com does not have a special rate for media.
If using .com you will have to remember that domestic shipping is the USA and shipping to Canada is set up under International shipping.
If you use both you could have 500 free listings per month (250+250). However, Final Value Fees for media items are more expensive on ebay.com (14.6% versus 12.9%). So I would only list non-media items on ebay.com
If trying out a store, I would recommend month-to-month to start. It is more expensive, but it is easy to switch to yearly if you are happy with the experience.
If just selling media items the cost effective switch point would be 650 listings ($20/0.05+250).
But if listing only non-media items the switch point would be 316 listings.
You sell both, so the breakeven point is somewhere between the two numbers.
If you do get a store, get one on eBay.CA since the monthly fee is in Canadian $ versus eBay.com which is in US $ (save the exchange rate conversion of 25%).
05-05-2022 09:26 PM
In all honesty a store works pending what you are selling and how much volume you do month to month otherwise waste of money.
Here is why, past 18 months most if not all of us were getting 100k free listings the most i used at one point was 3000 listings was good to advertise my hockey cards for sale but made no difference in sales having 3000 listings ot just 250 listings. A matter of fact many buyers contact me offline from ebay and deals done offline cause in the end buyers are paying the fees ebay collects and now July 1st buyers in Cnaada will be paying more for there purchase cause even used items buyer must pay tax pending the province they live in. Time will tell if sales drop even more to what they are now on Ebay. as if i sell 1 item on Ebay i sell 5 items offline or on kijiji with no fees and unlimited listings.
So why would i pay for store monthly subscription when amount sold month in month out not worth the money. Im going back to the old way VARIENT listings list 50 cards in one listing and if you can do that then you saving tons of money