02-25-2013 05:31 PM
I have just started selling after years of being on Ebay. I work Hard to list my items, Package my items, and respond to Buyers but what do you do with a Buyer that is impossable? I Offered Full Refund and they Slandered my Ratings with a Negative feed Back...I phoned and reported the Buyer...But Ebay refuses to help me. I feel as a seller they should be more to help protect me from scammers. I feel like I have been slapped in the face by this Buyer and Ebay. Is it not the seller that pays all the fee's that Ebay makes their profit? The more I think about it I will let my standing auction listings come to an end and then close my newly opened store. Why is it just the seller that can recieve nagative feed back? Very unfare....No matter what the buyer does they always come out looking like a angel. Phefff!!! This Buyer just wanted somthing for nothing and when they couldn't keep the item and get there money back too they got mad a left me Negative feed back. I can't believe Ebay lets this happen to there Money maker's (the sellers).
02-26-2013 02:20 PM
Nothing we can do.
Buyer informs me a shirt had a flaw, messaged the buyer that i stand behind my product, will gladly refund & pay the return postage once it arrives back to me.
Never heard from the buyer, assumed it was in transit.
Bottom line, buyer did not want to return item, did not receive a refund.
Bingo, bango, Negative Feedback ten days later.
Really doubt there was a flaw in the shirt. Wanted refund & the item.
02-26-2013 02:32 PM
"If seller tells them to return for a refund"
That will usually work unless the listing stated no return.
If the seller does not have a refund policy and the buyer files a claim, paypal will still require that an item be returned before refunding.
02-26-2013 03:10 PM
"If the seller does not have a refund policy"
That is correct.
However, if the seller states specifically "no return" in the listing, as is the case here,..... my understanbding is that PayPal will refund without asking for a return to seller. The seller can make a claim against the carrier in case of damages.
02-26-2013 03:12 PM
But this thread has nothing to do with return policies. It is a buyer claiming he was called a liar by the seller and posted negative feedback accordingly.
We do not know how the buyer reached that conclusion.
02-26-2013 03:33 PM
However, if the seller states specifically "no return" in the listing, as is the case here,..... my understanbding is that PayPal will refund without asking for a return to seller.
I've heard that as well although I have always thought it was an urban legend. But that's just my impression.
Ok..back to topic...
(and back to work for me)
02-26-2013 03:40 PM
It is an urban legend started when someone on com picked the wrong option and went crazy spreading that on the us boards. It ended up explained, but others kept repeating the wrong part. Having 'no returns' doesn't influence the resolution of snad claims. snad claim /=returns
02-26-2013 03:52 PM
This is NOT a SNAD situation.
It is apparently a broken or damaged item, presumably in transit. PayPal has been known to refund without return in some (not all) of those instances. I suspect the value of the item may be a determinant factor.
But, that has little to do with the subject of this thread which is a negative feedback by a buyer claiming to have been called a "liar".
02-26-2013 05:27 PM
There have been changes to the ebay views violations of a seller's return policy.
That is, if a buyer wants to return something and the seller has stated "no returns," then the buyer gets reprimanded.
Happened to me.
02-26-2013 05:50 PM
Just for accuracy, I'm not saying that a buyer gets reprimanded every time the buyer wants to go against a seller's return policy.....
But I do very few returns %age wise and I did receive a reprimand.