Performance standards

Not sure about others but I signed up to eBay to sell items from my collection. I thought I was signing up to work for myself and pay a fee for using the site. It's unfortunate performance standards means selling more and not just selling good quality items as described and shipped on time. Why am I being penalized for not selling more? How does that help customers? I guess the greed has finally outweighed the fun and I have lost interest in meeting any performance requirements of this site. Too bad it was fun while it lasted. 

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Performance standards

Mods....This really should be moved to sellers central as this board is for seller update questions.


How are you being penalized by selling less?

Message 2 of 6
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Performance standards

I agree with your comments..
Message 3 of 6
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Performance standards


The OP is an occasional seller. He may still be working with the 21-day Hold on his customer payments. That would be very annoying.

And if there was a question about prompt shipping, there could be the recent 4% penalty on selling fees, which I notice is going to rise to 5%.

But I'm just making stories in my head. Facts would be helpful.

Message 4 of 6
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Performance standards

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

How are you being penalized by selling less?

OP is probably wanting the 10% FVF discount which requires 100 sales to some part of the world.

Message 5 of 6
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Performance standards

you have to constantly be feeding the machine

no new listings, no sale

that's how it works

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