03-29-2017 12:37 PM
03-29-2017 12:52 PM
Are you a new seller? I assume what you mean is that the Sell Your Item form won't allow you to enter the "Chanel" description? Is that what you're referring to? Have you listed Chanel items previously?
EBay policies place limits on how many top brand named items sellers can list within a given time, and I'm fairly certain those limits are lower for new sellers than experienced ones. It's been a while since I've sold authentic Chanel items, but even I reached my limit at one point (and I'd been selling for several years by then).
If you're really curious, you could try calling eBay Customer Service. They might be able to tell you whether you've hit your limit.
03-29-2017 01:29 PM - edited 03-29-2017 01:29 PM
Is Chanel like Louis V and VERO protected now so that only authorized dealers can sell the product line?
03-29-2017 02:43 PM
New and occasional sellers have restrictions on how many listings they can have and the value of those listings.
Those restrictions slowly are removed as you gain more experience.
I understand you can ask eBay to raise your levels once a month.
Because you have sold here before, and sold high end purses, this will be easier than another seller coming in cold.
This page may help.
If you had any unresolved (or lost) disputes when you were selling last, those would still count against you.
03-30-2017 12:13 PM
@mjwl2006 wrote:Is Chanel like Louis V and VERO protected now so that only authorized dealers can sell the product line?
It's been that way for a very long time. Sales of new Chanel items and those of many, many other top brands have been under VeRO protection for years, but it appears that VeRO restrictions are a completely different matter from what the OP is commenting on if he or she is selling used or vintage Chanel.
I believe what the OP may have run into are seller limits on the number of top brand items, like Chanel, Dior, etc., that can be listed in any given time period. As I mentioned, I ran into this ceiling myself even as a seller with several years of experience. It's also possible ordinary seller limits may be the issue.
Until the OP returns and tells us exactly what was being listed and how much listing of what types of items the OP has done in the past month, it's hard to know.
I'll see if I can slog through eBay's help pages to find the policies I'm referring to. It's been at least 3 years since I've listed any vintage couture items, so I don't have that reference handy anymore.
03-30-2017 12:24 PM - edited 03-30-2017 12:25 PM
The link 'femmefan' posted above does deal with seller limits generally, but I'm certain there are (or at least were a few years ago) additional, specific limits on the number of top brand fashion items that could be listed within a given period.
I'm darned if I can find the exact reference to it in the eBay help pages, but I do recall being told at the time that it was a very small number per month, and had nothing to do with seller status (I had a spotless record and TRS at the time). I was never given the reason for those limits, but I imagine it may be related to rights holders not wanting the site to be flooded with used goods of a particular brand or brands.
I wouldn't be surprised if these companies have placed some sort of legal restrictions on eBay in this regard. All very murky, but you do find out once you reach the limit. If I remember correctly, the ceiling I hit was somewhere between 6 and 10 Chanel items per month. I didn't bother asking for a limit increase, I just spread the listings out over 3 months and there was apparently no problem.
For the OP's benefit I'm posting the wording from the general policy about limits, but again, I think used items like Chanel, Dior, Prada, etc. etc. are treated separately:
If you have a history of selling authentic items
If you've been a seller for at least 90 days with good detailed seller ratings, and are confident in the authenticity and origin of your items, you may be eligible to have your selling limit increased. We consider the following when we determine whether to change your selling limits:
Positive buyer Feedback
No unresolved cases with buyers
Selling history (minimum 3 months) and activity as a seller on the site
Absence of Feedback questioning the authenticity of the item(s)
History of following eBay policies
General good standing of your account
If your account meets the above criteria, contact us.
If you don't qualify to have your limits increased, check back in 30 days. You may be able to list more of certain items in certain categories at that time. These selling limits only apply to certain categories or types of items, so you can usually continue listing other types of items as long as they also follow our policies. Find out more about our rules for sellers.
03-30-2017 12:42 PM
@mjwl2006 wrote:Is Chanel like Louis V and VERO protected now so that only authorized dealers can sell the product line?
Well, for what it's worth, here's the whole list, and as you can see, it's quite extensive. http://vero.ebay.com/
I looked into registering with VeRO a few years ago, but it seemed such a rigmarole that I've put it off. I should probably still do so (some day when I have nothing better to do, which day never seems to come along).
Also, for the OP's sake, if he/she was attempting to sell a new or very recently manufactured "Chanel" item, there is information here from Chanel about the types of issues it monitors: http://vero.ebay.com/vero/chanelusa
It's important to understand that eBay itself doesn't monitor and police the VeRO programme; the registrants do. So when I see sellers saying "Yes, but I saw the same thing listed by another seller and it wasn't taken down", that's because eBay hasn't had a report on it from the VeRO registrant.
So in the OP's case, if the listing wasn't permitted by eBay from the outset, it sounds to me as if he/she simply hit a limit, rather than a VeRO complaint.