03-29-2017 08:41 PM
Hi everyone! 🙂
Sorry for the newbie post. I would appreciate some help with this.
This is my first year eBay selling (2016) and I am wanting to know how taxes are paid.
1. How do I report/submit?
2. What is the tax rate? (for under 20k)
3. Can I just not deduct expenses/inventory? I know that sounds stupid but I just want to get this years taxes done no matter what they are and for 2017 I will start calculating expenses and everything in an Excel sheet.
Thanks to whoever replies!
03-29-2017 08:58 PM
You need a tax accountant.....someone who understands selling online... on eBay sepecifically
03-29-2017 09:00 PM
03-29-2017 10:03 PM
Good evening.
One step at the time.
First you add up your sales (in Canadian dollars)
Then add up your cost of sales (how much you paid for the items you sold)
Then add up your expenses (eBay fees, packing materials, supplies, etc...)
Deduct your costs of goods to get your gross profit and your business related expenses to get to your net profit.
Enter your net profit on line 135 of your tax return.
Here is a sample I prepared many years ago for eBay sellers. The form is acceptable to Revenue Canada. You can adapt it to your needs.
The rate of income tax you pay depends on all your other income (salary, commission, investment, pension, etc...). The profit you make on eBay (line 135) is simply added to all your other sources of income.
03-29-2017 10:04 PM
1. Report your eBay income on your T1 General tax return along with any other income you have.
2. Your tax rate, Federal and Provincial will depend on your net income.
3. There are special guides and forms T2125 that will help you with your calculations. If you need more guidance refer to the CRA publication on Busuness & Proffessional income. You can get this on the internet from the CRA site.
03-29-2017 10:07 PM
Hi Pierre, I might have known you would have answers for him. You are a faster typist than I am! 🤗
03-30-2017 03:14 AM
Meet our local "eBay tax accountant" Pierre
Each of us as sellers on eBay Canada has learned what to do when tax time arrives.
Pierre has been a most valuable asset.
03-30-2017 07:59 AM
03-30-2017 09:23 AM - edited 03-30-2017 09:24 AM
'Could I just report my net income for this year?"
Messy? What does that mean?
Take a few hours and go through your PayPal account - assuming all transactions were paid through PayPal, that should be pretty easy to add up all the money you have received from PayPal to your bank account during 2016.
Then add up your costs of goods. How did you pay for them? Cash? Credit card? Debit?
Then add up your expenses.
If you do not have the exact amount for one or two purchase transactions, make a fair estimate.
"$15,000 total income (I just did eBay)"
I am not sure what that means. Are you suggesting that you have received no money whatsoever from any source (employment, investment, pension, etc...) If so, how did you live? How did you buy your food? pay your rent? etc...
If you had no income whatsoever from any source and lived in Ontario, the few thousand dollars net income generated by your eBay business will NOT attract any income tax (federal or provincial).
For income tax purposes, are you considered a "dependent" by someone else (a parent, guardian, spouse, etc...)? Your net income may affect their claim.
03-30-2017 11:22 AM
03-30-2017 11:44 AM
"I lived with my parents."
This is where it gets tricky and professional help - familiar with your personal circumstances (which should NOT be discussed online) - may be required.
If a parent claims you as a dependent child, then they need to deduct your net income from their claim - this is where it is important to only report your net income (as close as you can estimate it), not inflate it.
Also, CRA likes taxpayers to be consistent in the method they use to determine their income.
Do the best you can to determine your net profit (after deducting estimated costs and expenses). Based on your posts, you will have no income tax liabilities for 2016.