Honestly, I could have thrown my computer out the window today, I was so ticked off.
I stopped using Shippo about a year ago because it didn't work properly. It would never show all of my sales, no matter what I did. There was no rhyme or reason for the sales they did show. Sometimes they would show one of several, or none at all. I synched, I downloaded, I searched, I tried different browsers, different computers ... nothing worked. Their CS people couldn't help either. So I use PayPal for shipping labels and, once in a while, Snap Ship.
Every once in a while, I go back to Shippo to see if it's working any better and it's still the same. Today, I had 3 shipping labels to prepare, with time running out to get to the Post Office. I accidentally clicked on Shippo instead of PayPal and there they were(n't). One of 3 was there; I couldn't download the other two. I should have shut it down but, being stubborn, I was going to try again. I could enter the information manually but why would I when it's all available on PayPal. So after half-an-hour, I switched back to PayPal and had 3 labels in less than 5 minutes.
This is just ONE MORE reason why I don't want to switch to MP. I want ALL my money in PayPal because that's where I prepare my shipping labels.