free international shipping

Hello People,

I just happened to look up one of my listings on the general search page on  (this is when you just type in a name and you get search results not individual item numbers) and noticed that it says FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING when I only have free CANADIAN shipping.  US is $2.95 and international is $5.90 so checked a few others and sure enough they are all showing up as free international.  Just called ebay and the rep is escalating this to the tech support but I thought I would mention it because it can be a potential issue causing a defect if a buyer sees free international and then $5.90 when they go to pay. 

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free international shipping

Same for my listings... 

I guess they do very incorrect generalizing of "foreign countries" 

Message 2 of 21
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free international shipping

@isis1313 wrote:

I just happened to look up one of my listings on the general search page on  (this is when you just type in a name and you get search results not individual item numbers) and noticed that it says FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING when I only have free CANADIAN shipping.  US is $2.95 and international is $5.90 so checked a few others and sure enough they are all showing up as free international.

Canada is INTERNATIONAL as far as .com is concerned. So that is correct for a Canadian looking on .com


The real question is what a buyer in a country other than Canada sees displayed.



Message 3 of 21
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free international shipping

most will see the correct international shipping on the listing itself, it's only the buyers that don't have their address in

correctly that will be confused.  I've had to "talk" a few buyers through the process of putting in their own country.  True,

Canada is considered international on .com however they should put free Canadian shipping since it's not across the board


Message 4 of 21
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free international shipping

I noticed this "Free International Shipping" on numerous EBAY items. I am from Canada, and this is something new, that I havent' seen before.


The items I have noticed this on, are USA Sellers.


When I click on the items that display this Free International Shipping (I am logged in so EBAY knows I am in Canada), all indications of this are gone... and full (and expensive shipping costs are shown).


I would very much like to know why these items display this free international shipping, when it actually does not appear to exist (for USA Sellers anyways).


I've attached a pic of examples where this error exists.

Message 5 of 21
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free international shipping

isis: my address is in EBAY correctly. I've been selling and purchasing on EBAY for 15 years.. so it definitely knows where i am.  🙂

Message 6 of 21
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free international shipping

that's what I was saying, my address is in ebay correctly as well, and I went in a general search not through my store or saved listing.  I didn't realize that it also showed international is free for US sellers when in fact it isn't free, there is definitely a glitch in the system, I'm surprised I haven't heard from buyers saying....what the heck?  I know I would question a seller if I was seeing free and something else when I go to buy.

Message 7 of 21
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free international shipping

Agreed..  I think there's a glitch too. It is very misleading.


If anyone finds out anything please post it here .. thank you!


Message 8 of 21
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free international shipping

All ive done is Post Free Shipping ,and list worldwide.............No problems ,works great .

Message 9 of 21
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free international shipping

I've looked at some of your listings, at your prices you can afford to send free shipping, wow- good luck- here I am hoping to make $100 in a sale...I can only dream to get into your market

Message 10 of 21
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free international shipping

Its been a great hobby ,got some lucky breaks 20 years ago---collecting . made some Rare discoveries at Country auctions,sometimes a lot of Unique pieces aren't advertised ..Have checked your auctions,you must work 24/7 to get 8000 items listed....Hope you do well .Interesting items ,have subscribed to sporting magazines over the years .

Message 11 of 21
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free international shipping

hi again,

I just saw you are in my neck of the woods, I'm in Nova Scotia as well but don't attend auctions.  I guess I should...LOL...yes, my "part time'" retirement job seems to be more full time 

Message 12 of 21
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free international shipping

Started off with nautical -marine artifacts ,then branched out from their .My job took me to many fishing ports around the province ,giving me insight to all local papers .  Do you have any Decoys listed ?

Message 13 of 21
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free international shipping

@dove3ducks wrote:

All ive done is Post Free Shipping ,and list worldwide.............No problems ,works great .

Your shipping costs show as being free in Canada, but in every other country, including the U.S. the shipping costs show as "not specified". That means that in some cases, your items will not show up on sites other than .ca.

Message 14 of 21
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free international shipping

Thanks ....will look into this .

Message 15 of 21
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free international shipping

no, haven't really looked into decoys, I have books on woodworking and tole painting to make decoys...

Message 16 of 21
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free international shipping

here's one of yours on


it is showing but when I put in US as the address it says it can't calculate the shipping and that the zip code is invalid- I tried a couple of different ones that I know are good codes and got the error with both -and to contact the seller even though you said it should show up as free shipping.  

Message 17 of 21
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free international shipping

Thanks ....revising Listings ......will see if it shows.....barbershop one next .

Message 18 of 21
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free international shipping

the barber shop is now showing FREE Canada Post Tracked Packet - International

so that one is fixed

Message 19 of 21
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free international shipping

Thanks for updates ...A work in progress .....generating sales .........

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