03-15-2013 08:32 PM
03-15-2013 08:46 PM
Ah I see...they made it for everybody 😉
03-15-2013 09:49 PM
Everyone ?
03-15-2013 09:51 PM
It's in the announcements section.
03-15-2013 10:05 PM
Just got the email in the last five minutes. Is this promo offered Stateside ?
Rarely check Announcements but noticed it is there.
Haven't taken advantage of a Promotion since last fall.
My sell through rate was very poor on the last three.
Maybe i will try to move some doubles again.
Won't sell if i don't try i guess.
03-15-2013 11:19 PM
brace yourselves for another deluge of listings from sellers who cannot afford a 5 cent listing charge but can afford a free listing charge.
03-15-2013 11:22 PM
Not every one has a store to get a 5¢ rate.
Does anyone know if it includes fixed price with best offer as no mention in the terms
03-15-2013 11:30 PM
Nonsense. People that want to list for .05 a listing already have everything listed
Auctions can be saving as much as $2.25 per listing. With an ebay average sell through that can be huge savings per sale. Or the .05 fp listers can use this to increase visibility of buried fp listings
Though there hasnt been nay "deluge' of listings with these promos in years. Take not of some category listings number counts now and on Monday night, doubt anyone can find any that move more then 5-10%
03-15-2013 11:54 PM
Auctions can be saving as much as $2.25 per listing. With an ebay average sell through that can be huge savings per sale. Or the .05 fp listers can use this to increase visibility of buried fp listings
Exactly. The net effect a flood of listings of items that normally wouldn't have tolerated either a 5 cent - or higher - listing fee, will now be elevated accordingly. And while these items "get some exposure", it comes at the expense of sellers who pay the higher rates on a regular basis.
03-16-2013 04:38 AM
oooo I hate reading things like this .. So sad but is it true .. To ask is it real even feels bad ... ;( best of luck
03-16-2013 07:17 AM
Got my promo now to figure out if I want to put on 300 auctions ... I rarely make money of auctions so I am a little worried but maybe it is time to try again and see what happens..
03-16-2013 07:23 AM
I understand this promotion is for all eligible sellers, not "by invitation only" as we have seen for the last nine months.
However, eBay did NOT send me the usual email advising of the promotion. NOT by email, NOT through "my messages".
I usually get these from eBay.com since this account was registered with eBay.com fourteen years ago (well before eBay.ca was created). It is not the first time the problem arises. 😞
03-16-2013 09:06 AM
Same Pierre.
Received the email & Steve mentioned it was in the Announcements Section, which it was.
Like you, the invite was not in my eBay messages.
03-16-2013 10:28 AM
I didn't get any notification either. I would not have known about it if someone had not been kind enough to put it on this board. I have given up looking at the announcement board, I guess I need to go back to checking it.
03-16-2013 11:51 AM
I have given up looking as the announcement board, I guess I need to go back to checking it.
While i received the invite in my email but not in My eBay Messages I will now get back in the habit of checking the Announcements.
Good thing Steve gave us the heads up.
03-16-2013 12:18 PM
I have given up looking as the announcement board, I guess I need to go back to checking it.
While i received the invite in my email but not in My eBay Messages I will now get back in the habit of checking the Announcements.
Good thing Steve gave us the heads up.
For my services I will require a 5 cent fee for any item sold during this promotion 😉
03-16-2013 12:36 PM
I haven't received an emai or messagel either.
For my services I will require a 5 cent fee for any item sold during this promotion
Thanks for the heads up...but.....You want half of my profit?? sheesh
03-16-2013 12:42 PM
With all this money I'm going to start up "stevebay"
03-16-2013 12:49 PM
yay! The first 1000 people to join get free listings for life right??
03-16-2013 02:25 PM
My sell through rate was very poor on the last three.
During February and March, there were two promotions - one fixed price and one auction.
Between the two, I have had my best month in a long time. May also have something to do with the end of the hockey strike - but at least I had a ton of stuff out there and available.
For me, these promotions are a win-win. In my case, I rarely list items for sale, unless there is no fee.
I cannot afford a store as I have a lot of low priced inventory leftover from my card show days. Need to sell it, but can't afford to pay fees to do so. So, eBay gives me free listings. II have good sales. Ebay makes there final value fees. Without the free listings, they would not have gotten these final value fees. So I win with good sales. They win with more money in their coffers.