... But apparently you consider it your classroom and it's OK on your part to distribute arbitrary and ridiculous statistics. Have I got that right? I'd still like to know where you saw that figure of 75% or more. Not from Geraldo, I hope.
I have read and reread your post and no where do you mention that all addresses shipped to internationally are unconfirmed (other than the USA and the UK). That being the case, your council seems to be never to ship to those countries as
doing so, you will get scammed 75% of the time if not more. If that is truly your suggestion, and people were to heed it, eBay sellers should limit their sales to three countries. Or if you do sell elsewhere, use BidPay because there are no chargebacks or Certified Money orders which may or may not be vaild because it is the number one form of cheque fraud used today.
I won't deny that scams and fraud exist on eBay, as they do in the brick and mortar world however, IMO, unbelievable statistics do more harm than a simple warning of the risks involved in shipping internationally. Who knows? Some unsuspecting seller might happen on your fraud alert and decide that selling internationally is not a good idea.
I'm guessing you don't buy into eBay's core value assumption the "people are basically good" as you certainly seem to suggest that there is a con-artist behind every bush.
And, by the way, my personal limited exposure to fraud is because I manage my risks by using the tools that are available and has little to do with the value of the goods you might see me selling today. You have been around long enough to know that sellers frequently can change the nature of their product offerings.