06-22-2012 04:40 PM
06-22-2012 05:13 PM
Hi ..i see 3 listings.?
What do you hope to accomplish by by splitting the item value with cost of shipping. Fees are charged on total. Guaranteed to displease buyers and may see your listings reported and removed for excessive shipping..
06-22-2012 05:17 PM
Sorry , posted wrong link although both are related..
06-22-2012 10:48 PM
He She or It is trying to get around the dollar limit on how much they can sell per month 🙂
" The shipping cost is high because eBay has put a limit on my selling, and I cannot go over the limit so the remainder of the price is included in the shipping."
06-22-2012 10:50 PM
" All my auctions are removed "
You are mistaken.
You have a listing with less than two days to run so obviously not all of your auctions are removed.
If eBay removes a listing you will receive an eMail explaining why it has been removed.
06-23-2012 04:57 AM
Hello 'buyandsell',
What do you mean your auctions are removed, - did some of your listings just vanish? How many?
If ebay removed them, you will get a notice explaining about it, - check your regular email. You seem to know about selling limits and have possibly even seen this link:
Once you have reached your selling limit, ebay may remove further listings and you will have to wait until next month. The restrictions will wear off with time and after you have been selling longer, sold more items, and received all those stars and feedback. Quite likely you were simply over your limit and that is what happened.
Or could be that someone saw that $hipping fee and fainted from the $hock, and subsequently reported it upon recovery. 😄