I have a problem with my Andale image hosting, it's been going on for about 6 months. Whenever I attach an image to an Ebay.com auction, it changes my item location country from "Canada" to "United States" in the auction listing. It happens instantly, very strange. It does not happen to auctions listed on Ebay.ca for some reason.
I've contacted Andale support, and twice set up auctions for them to look at to try and resolve this, but they've been involved for about 3 months without any progress, I think they are not actually doing anything, although they have acknowleged that the problem is most likely at their end.
Anyway, does anyone else use Andale and have this problem? I had also prepaid my Andale hosting fees for a year, anyone know how I can get a refund (seems reasonable since their product is not working properly)?
I know that I can manually change the item location back to Canada, but when I list a lot of auctions that takes way too much time. I've put a sentence in my auction terms explaining that I am in Canada, but it still causes a lot of confusion with some buyers at the end of an auction (do Americans really believe there is a Winnipeg, Manitoba, United States?)....any help would be appreciated.