Anybody know the mascot names?

Community Member
I know the moose is "Baywinkle" (how come eBay didn't get slapped with "copyright infringement" on that one?) but what about the little hockey-puck headed hockey player and the beaver with the "Smokey the Bear" hat? I was at "On the Road" in Victoria last night, and these three little guys are on my T-shirt which, incidentally, is an XL and long enough for a very modest nightie!



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Anybody know the mascot names?

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I dont know the names but OT did you have enough time for Q & A?

We didnt in Ottawa which was very unfortunate.

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Anybody know the mascot names?

Community Member
Malcolm, it was so hot in the auditorium that I didn't stick around for the end -- and there was someone there with a crying baby, which certainly didn't help the mood. Frankly, the best part of the whole evening was when someone's cell phone kept ringing after Daryl (or was it Carol) kept asking everyone to turn off their phones, etc! It turned out to be her own phone!! I was sitting at the back and I could see her blush from there!

As you had said, most of the presentation was pretty basic and the main thing I got from it was validation of what I'm already doing. I guess the fact that I've been doing mail order since before the presenters were born might mean I do have a clue about customer service? I wish they would have an afternoon "social" where we might have a chance to meet some of the staff and ask questions on a one-on-one basis but obviously, that's dreaming in technicolour!

The presentation was interrupted several times by questioners, some of whom were answered and some not but I understand that Michael "fenian" was there for the whole thing -- maybe he can give us an in-depth on the last part.


And I really would like to know if the mascots have names!!???


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Anybody know the mascot names?

Community Member
No clue on the mascot names! Further to Glenda's comments on the Victoria "On The Road" at UVIC. Regarding the heat, my daughter is a UVIC student and tells me that the David Lam Auditorium (where the eBay event took place) is well air-conditioned to the point where she gets goosebumps. A pity someone in charge couldn't locate the controls! As to the screaming baby, yes, it was back for the 2nd half, and yes, the mother spent much time running up and down the aisle to everyone's distraction. eBay should set a rule that babies and very small children are not to be brought to these presentations - it's not fair to the baby or the attendees. I'd say roughly 30 folks didn't come back after the break. My overall take on the program is that it's very basic and mostly a guide to links already on the eBay site map. It's definitely not a forum for bringing forward concerns - those speaking out (e.g. re retaliatory feedback) were shut down lickety-split. Like Glenda, I wish there could be time for discussing these. There was no opportunity to "meet the eBay staff" despite the advance hype. On the plus side, the presenters did a credible job, and the 'goodies bag' was nice (even if Glenda's hubby did getter a better pen than I got!) .........Michael
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Anybody know the mascot names?

Community Member
I think if eBay pays attention to the FB sheets we left them following the sessions and what has been said on this board, they may set their meetings up a little different next time to permit further discussion amongst members and staff.

I am not overly optimistic, as my same suggestions on an earlier post were PULLED which I found insulting as I said Nothing derogatory at all.

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Anybody know the mascot names?

Community Member
Michael, I ended up with both pens and both tees. I think I'll alter the tees a tad so I can wear them golfing!

"...if eBay pays attention to the FB sheets we left them following the sessions and what has been said on this board, they may set their meetings up a little different next time to permit further discussion amongst members and staff."

An hour or two session before or after (or even during) the regular presentation for just powersellers might be helpful, although I suppose there'd be a lot of screams about elitists and special treatment. Sheesh, the amount of fees we pay should be worth something besides this board, shouldn't they?



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Message 6 of 8
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Anybody know the mascot names?
Community Member
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your comments and suggestions for the eBay On the Road sessions. We do write them all down and go over them after each city we visit. The mascot names are as follows:


Thank-you for coming to eBay on The road, and we will be sure and take you suggestions into account for our plans to return to Victoria next year.

Message 7 of 8
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Anybody know the mascot names?

Community Member
Thanks Carly!

Puckman and Beaver are not very imaginative names -- any plans for a contest to name them?

Looking forward to next year's new and improved "On The Road". I hope it's around the same time of year again so that I won't have to miss because of being "on the road" myself.


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