12-27-2014 01:26 PM
I've tried IE and Firefox and I can't get to the shipping screen on PayPal. It keeps taking me back to the Summary Page -- in both the new version and the classic version.
Yesterday, I got an e-mail, supposedly from PayPal, about a cash back program between a date in November and ending December 24th. I get several phishing e-mails every week; they all go into my junk folder -- some I forward to PayPal spoof; others I simply delete. This one about the cash back caught me by surprise. It didn`t go into my junk folder. With the holidays, I had over 200 unread e-mails; I was trying to get through them as quickly as possible and I clicked on the cash back one to see what it was all about. As soon as I did, I realized it wasn`t authentic. I didn`t change any info in my PayPal account. I deleted it and quickly ran a scan. Sure enough there was a `High` cautionary adware and a Trojan horse. So those were deleted and I think (thought) everything was alright.
My money`s there, I can see some screens in PayPal but it would ease my mind if someone else was also having trouble completing shipping labels.
12-27-2014 05:00 PM
I don't have any labels to print as my listings were turned off until an hour ago but when I do a mock label it looks as if it will work. I've only gone to the second page though...the customs details page....so I don' t know what would happen if I were to try to go past that.
12-27-2014 05:11 PM
I did a couple of Paypal labels today with no problem. I can only do them on Chrome, IE and Firefox are not working for me ( for a couple of months).
12-27-2014 05:26 PM
Thanks pj and triber. Like pulling teeth today
I couldn't even get to the first page pj, even doing a mock one. And triber, I'll open Chrome and see if that works. IE and Firefox have been working fine for me up until now.
I appreciate your help.
12-27-2014 05:33 PM
Have you tried clearing your cache and re-booting your machine? I have C clean, and that often helps when I get stuck on pages on some links.
12-27-2014 05:38 PM
I did try to re-boot and I do clear my cache frequently. But C Cleaner I haven't used for a while. I always forget about it because I only started using it this past year. I'll give that a try. Thanks.
I was able to print the label on Chrome. It's a browser I don't use often because I've had very few problems with IE and Firefox, but maybe I'll start using it. IE has been a little unsteady lately.
12-27-2014 06:41 PM
Glad you were able to print it. I used IE for years, then I had problems and went over to Firefox for about 4 years, then that too wouldn't work for me, I just hope Chrome doesn't go the same way.