Anyone heard of this feedback system?

Hi everyone,

I purchased an item for my 74 Dodge Challenger show car from this dude in Arizona. His user name is azbob*1
Everything seemed cool, I bought the item, and paid immediately, and then waited........and waited.........until on the eighth day after I paid, I decided to contact him to see if he had shipped my item, and he responded that he was going to ship it that day. Eight days after I paid. Not impressed.

Anyway, within his email, he proceeds to inform me that he does not use the eBay system for feedback, and instead we are to leave him feedback on eBay, and when we do, he will leave feedback for the buyer at .

Has anyone ever heard of this?
I know that feedback is voluntary anyway, but is this against any policy that you are aware of?

Message 1 of 12
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Anyone heard of this feedback system?

I just checked his "Feedback Left For Others".
Interesting..... he has not left a buyer any feedback through the eBay system since May 18, 2008, and that feed back he left for that buyer guessed it......a negative.

Even more fun, looking throughout that year of feedbacks that he left his buyers, of particular interest are on pages 7, 8, 12, 19, 29 and the list goes on, where he left a TON of negatives for his buyers. No wonder he is using this "other" system, I guess to try to get his buyers to look there instead of the above.

Message 2 of 12
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Anyone heard of this feedback system?


I doubt if anybody cares whether he uses the ebay feedback system - the buyers use it.

I'll bet he owns the "other" feedback system and re-arranges it the way he wants.

I think that deserves 1's on the DSR's and a neg- on ebay. -------------------------------------------------------------------

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Message 3 of 12
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Anyone heard of this feedback system?

Yeah Surplus, my sentiments exactly.
This seems like a whole new twist to feedback manipulation.
Just found out now that this item was dropshipped from wonder it took 8 days to ship.

Message 4 of 12
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Anyone heard of this feedback system?

I think that deserves 1's on the DSR's and a neg- on ebay.

Neg for reluctance to use "voluntary" feedback? I thought buyers were ranking transaction.
Message 5 of 12
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Anyone heard of this feedback system?

The point is, that this seller asks for and expects the buyer to leave him feedback on eBay when the item is received. Yet he will not leave them feedback in return on eBay at all.
And because the feedback system is the way it is nowadays, and he can't leave a buyer a negative anymore on eBay, then he "threatens" without actually coming out and saying it, that he is capable of leaving negative feedback for the buyer on this other site.
I'm sure it is this sellers hope that the buyer thinks twice about leaving negative feedback for him.
Interesting that you see nothing wrong with this.
I do.

Message 6 of 12
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Anyone heard of this feedback system?

Axe, no offence, but do you want his item or you want his pat on the back? I don't see anything wrong with having some silly site nobody knows about. You are still able to rank him even if he chooses not to rank you. There is no reason to be upset about this.
Message 7 of 12
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Anyone heard of this feedback system?

Thanks for posting this - I like the site. I looked through it.

The guy has left maybe 8 or 10 negs out of the last 1000 FB he left. Mostly for buyers not responding.

Highly doubtful that it's his site.

You can check the feedback sellers are leaving by clicking on the sellers in the ads on the right-hand side. The more feedback you leave, the more chances you get to get featured on that right-hand column.

Then with the seller user names you can check the feedback they are leaving.

It is pretty interesting and looks like a useful concept. Also, I would say that the documentation given on the site is quite responsible and is not unduly negative towards eBay.

As for the OP's seller shipping in 8 days and all that - it goes without saying he needs to tighten up his fulfillment - but heck the guy has 400 FB in the last month, puts a recording on listings, a super detailed presentation - it's not all that bad.

Beats the hell out of, best match and a lot of the other stuff going on right now.
Message 8 of 12
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Anyone heard of this feedback system?

This is a joke ! I wouldn't take this feedback site seriously...
Message 9 of 12
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Anyone heard of this feedback system?

It says there are 2.5 million feedback on it.

We won't be using it but obviously it is serving a useful purpose for someone.

A little harsh to just say "it's a joke" without supporting your comment in any way.

As for accusing the seller of feedback extortion, that is also over the top. That was exactly the way eBay worked for 10 years and I don't believe there is any consensus that it is better now.

So-called feedback extortion was just the red herring thrown out there to cloud the real issues while eBay rammed through all the other changes.
Message 10 of 12
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Anyone heard of this feedback system?

This site is not even associated with Ebay. Do you actually think your buyers are to leave a feedback on that site. If they have complaint it will be voiced on Ebay. I looked and couldn't find a single feedback left for us. So I still don't take it seriouly.

Message 11 of 12
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Anyone heard of this feedback system?

The site is primarily used by sellers (not buyers) like this guy in question who wants a venue to be able to threaten that he can leave neg feedback to his buyers if necessary, because eBay took that away from him. He even stated that in his email to me.

While I do agree that eBays feedback system is unfairly biased exclusively towards the buyer, I still don't believe that this is a decent alternative for any seller to use.

Just found it interesting, as I'd never heard of it before. I do think it's a joke as well, but to have this guy actually email me after my purchase and tell me that he expects me to leave him feedback on eBay, and then when I do he will leave his feedback for me on this other site, I was quite surprised.

Message 12 of 12
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