Most Wednesdays at one pm EST/EDT there is a chat with the Canadian eBay staffers.
But the cohort of Canadian TRS is pretty small, and those discounts are a loss to eBay, so chances are not good.
One poster points out that the current drop in the Canadian dollar makes up for his losses in fees etc. Have you done that arithmetic?
Are you finding that you get an inordinate number of INR claims?
Do you get multiple orders that would bring each sale up to a point where tracking is worthwhile? Can you see a way to do this?
Have you considered using Free Shipping? Remember that this means your shipping cost (85 cents?) is included in your asking price.
Have you considered shopping for discount postage to reduce your shipping costs? It's not hard to find postage at a 20% discount with free shipping and no added taxes.
And frankly, if you can't make money without the TRS discount, maybe you should rethink your business plan.