Ok, since were all venting- How about the buyer that buys one item with a BIN, on one day, AND two days later buys the same item with a BIN (we have multiple item auctions) and then pays for that item immediately.
So recap- TWO auctions- FOR SAME ITEM- both purchased with BIN (same buyer)- ONLY ONE AUCTION PAID FOR.
The Second auction, that was paid for, was sent quickly to buyer, and received.
As both items are the same, the buyer cannot figure out the difference, and presumes that his first item has arrived.
And inquires as to where his SECOND PURCHASED ITEM is.
Ok, now try taking the time to explain that he has received his second purchase, the one that he paid for. AND, that the first item he purchased was not paid for, so therefore it was not sent.
Throw in English a second, or third language- and let the fun begin.