04-27-2016 07:09 PM
04-27-2016 07:48 PM
Although you may be in the right on this, the dollar amount is perhaps looked at. If it was a higher selling amount I may fight it but negative feedback will be more expensive than $37. Just my view
04-27-2016 07:57 PM
Unfortunately the way the world works, it doesn't matter what you think, it matters what the buyer thinks.
They think it is an INAD.
Once that happens, whether or not it is valid, my belief is that your job is to do your best to minimize the impact on you.
The first thing I suggest is to try to contact the buyer (you can send messages in the case) asking what is wrong and what they'd like to do. Generally a conversation ensues and you'll come up with options. A full return may be required or a partial may also resolve. Keeping the buyer happy helps avoid negatives/neutrals.
Once things are resolved you can block them so you don't have to deal with them again.
As frustrating and expensive as these things are, they are simply a cost of doing business, if you sell enough stuff you're going to get this from time to time. Minimizing the time and "cost" ($ and ratings wise) is the most important thing.
If it helps, below are some standard form letters I use for neutrals/negatives, but the concept and wordings can likely be used for the conversation here too.... cut and paste what is of use.....
04-27-2016 08:52 PM
Definately fight it no doubt,even if you give the money back you still get an strike against you,even if you win the case ebay will give you an item strike,i won a case with pay pal and another with ebay still got strikes againt me so you have nothing to loose my friend you will loose no matter what you do from experiance dealing with this
04-27-2016 09:31 PM
Its a pickle!
04-27-2016 11:28 PM
to jersy that is way toooo funny but so true damed if you do damed if you dont awesome pickel i might add you get a thumbs up fer that lol
04-28-2016 04:35 AM
Tell the buyer to return the item for a full refund.
Don't argue just tell the buyer to return the item for a full refund.
When you get the item back, refund the original payment.
If the item doesn't work, also refund the return postage.
It's a business expense. Nothing personal.
Tell the buyer to return the item for a full refund.
Don't let this go to eBay or PP. EBay will tell the buyer to return the item for a full refund and require you to send a Return Shipping Label.
If the buyer is not in Canada , this is not possible. While eBay may find in your favour they may also decide the buyer can keep the item and force a refund.
They have your credit card information.
Tell the buyer to return the item for a full refund.
If it goes to Paypal, PP will tell the buyer to return the item for a full refund.
04-28-2016 07:20 AM
When I buy I have encountered WAY too many INADed transactions. I am a very careful buyer but I still get caught regularly. In fact, I've learned from various groups I belong to that all collectors get nailed with items having more damage than described.. It's very common.
A few sellers conceal damage, but most sincerely believe that buyers are conning them with INADed cases and will fight you tooth and nail because they truly believe they are being conned.
In any event: What I've learned is: When a buyer claims the item had more damage than described, it's probably true.
Do you really want a damaged item back in your hands to re-sell? Occasionally it's worth the cost of return shipping, but most of the time it's not.
As ricarmic pointed out: """ Minimizing the time and "cost" ($ and ratings wise) is the most important thing."" and keep in mind that one buyer was disappointed so odds are that others will be too. Is this an item worth recycling?
winner: Only you know the answer to that question.
04-28-2016 12:56 PM
@aubreyclay56 wrote:Definately fight it no doubt,even if you give the money back you still get an strike against you,even if you win the case ebay will give you an item strike,i won a case with pay pal and another with ebay still got strikes againt me so you have nothing to loose my friend you will loose no matter what you do from experiance dealing with this
Sorry but that advice is not correct. If the seller fights it do have something to loose as they are almost certain to get an unresolved claim strike defect against them which is something that they do not want. If they do not fight it...for example..refund once the return has been received, they will not receive a defect.
When did you get those 'strikes' that you are referring to? Did you ask ebay to step in and then won the case?