Canada Post Service

On November 28th, I mailed 38 packages from the main post office in Sarnia. Most of them were Small Packet Air, few Light Packet. After a while, complaints started pouring in about items not received. After a half dozen complaints, all pointing to November 29th shipment, I started tracking the packages with tracking numbers. Ten days after receipt at the post office, none of them showed any movement. I phoned Canada Post, got all kinds of excuses. I put in claims for whatever I could. Eventually some of the packages were delivered but not all. Here is an example:

2010/12/16 22:22 LONDON Item processed at postal facility
07:06 SARNIA Canada Post processing error; item re-routed. Possible delay
2010/12/08 13:14 STONEY CREEK The item being returned to the sender went out for delivery.
AM STONEY CREEK Item being returned to sender. Incomplete address.
2010/12/07 14:30 STONEY CREEK Item on hold at postal facility to verify address of recipient
08:08 STONEY CREEK Item out for delivery
2010/11/29 16:31 SARNIA Item accepted at the Post Office

Summary: Mailed November 29th to Hamilton, never got there until Dec.7th, was returned for "incomplete address", on 8th, received in Sarnia on the 16th, and returned to Hamilton on the 16th due to processing error, item still in Twilight Zone, no update last four days.

HELP! Where can I phone or write to file a complaint??? Canada Post keeps giving me lame excusses and the brush off.

Reality is this: I am receiving so many 1 star ratings for slow shipping now that I can kiss good-bye any hope of being a Top Seller for atleast a year.
Message 1 of 24
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Canada Post Service

For certain something happened on Nov 29th (this was before all the snow they got in London so that isn't an excuse). Mine was mailed on Nov 29th and on December 16th it was processed in Mississauga (this is about 2 hours down the road), December 20th it was processed in Halifax. Not sure where it was sitting for the 17 days before it finally got going. Fortunately this particular buyer has been very good.
Message 2 of 24
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Canada Post Service

Ya I just got blocked from Selling All Due To CANADA POST this month started end of last month items where taking way to long all my customers where I'm guessing low DSR's not they just cut me offfrom selling
Message 3 of 24
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Canada Post Service

This kind of things happen to me once every six months or so...

I give all my mail to the mailman, he comes every day to pick up mail from the company, so I just slip in mine with the corporate stuff.

Of course, nothing gets scanned, for days, in some instances.

The weirdest package went by Xpresspost, from Montreal to San Francisco, the only two scans were "on truck for delivery", then "delivered".

Right now I have three items ($100~ish each), missing in action, all going to the west coast of USA. Last scan was Dec 7th, in Mississauga, nothing since...

The buyers didn't send me any messages yet, but every time I check email, I steel myself for the nastigrams...

In your situation, pointing the buyers to the weird postal scan info might let you of fthe hook for the possible low DSRs.

I mean, they can see it's not your fault the post office plays ping-pong with the packages...

You can even point out the weird tracking to other customers, to illustrate the point that ANYTHING can happen to the packages. I did that last year, it saved me a neg. The guy wrote back that without that track result he would have left a neg, as he was convinced I was sheeting him...

This is the contact link to Canada Post

Canada Post by Telephone

Customer calls are answered and automatically queued for response. While there may be a brief wait for a representative to reply, all calls should be answered during regular business hours, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. local time.
Table 1: Telephone Services and Phone Numbers

Contact Number
General Enquiries


General Enquiries for Customers calling from outside Canada


Priority™ Next A.M., Xpresspost, Expedited Parcel, Regular Parcel, Priority™ Worldwide


Hearing Impaired


Canada Post by Mail

To contact Canada Post by mail, write to one of the following addresses:

* Eastern Region
(QC, NB, NL, NS, PE)

Attn: Customer Service

* Central and Western Region
(ON, MB, SK, AB, BC, YT, NT, NU)

Attn: Customer Service

Office of the Ombudsman
to top of page

The Ombudsman is the final appeal authority in the complaint resolution process at Canada Post. Customers must first contact Customer Service at 1.800.267.1177 or 1.416.979.8822 outside Canada, to ensure that Canada Post has every opportunity to resolve their complaints. If Customers are not satisfied with the solutions proposed by Canada Post, they may appeal to the Ombudsman. The services offered by the Office of the Ombudsman are free of charge to all Canada Post Customers.

PO BOX 90026

Tel.: 1.800.204.4198

Fax: 1.800.204.4193



Yup, Venture, I too am teetering on the brink. Funny thing is, I just got back my PS status, about the same time that I had selling limits imposed on me. I have 11 opened cases, (all worked out to the buyers' satisfaction), instead of the 3 allowed... Buyer satisfaction is very low...

Most of those 11 cases are 8~10 moths old, before even the announcement about how this will bite us in the ahem...

Retroactive punishment... get it on eBay © !

I am limited to 20K a month, or 567 items.

I just hope I'll ever get to that in 6 moths, let alone one... lol...

Visit my Me page !
Message 4 of 24
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Canada Post Service

.1 yes .1 over the DSR hump slow shipping catogory "done the pointing thing just have no idea which customers bummed out" then i could fix things right now its a crap shoot .... I'm even getting poor shipping and handling dsr's I have no handling charges I ship for free generally and the few that need actual cost are done by the canada post calulator 100% positive feedback etc etc etc and they stopped me from selling any idea how long untill i can swinging selling or is there really an Ebay God that can fix this
Message 5 of 24
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Canada Post Service

I only have one case from a crazie that said his package did not arrive this is 6 days after he paid let alone I'm aloud a day to ship he did get it in the next few days but the case said i did not close it so its a strike ... oh well is there anything I can do I can't sell anything 0 nothing I have 13 piece in long term sales that i can't move or put into auction
Message 6 of 24
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Canada Post Service

I ship for free generally

Aren't we supposed to get an automatic FIVE for Free Shipping?
Message 7 of 24
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Canada Post Service

Community Member
I ship for free generally

Aren't we supposed to get an automatic FIVE for Free Shipping?

We do get an automatic 5 for free shipping, but it's shipping time DSRs that are getting dinged. Mine got dinged recently and that ticked me off to no end since I shipped the very same day I got the order.

Ebay is not very clear on what that DSR is actually for. It's actually for how fast did the seller get his items to the shipper, but buyers think it's actually for how long the order takes to arrive. The buyer doesn't care if it's the Xmas season and parcels get held up at the post office. They don't care that we have NO control over how fast Canada Post, Purolator, UPS etc., ships.

Ebay needs to quickly change it over to take it out of the buyer's hands like the free shipping does. It's easy to link that shipping time DSR to how long it takes for the seller to get the order out the door based on Paypal shipping. I believe they actually have something in the works for that for the U.S. site, but not the Canadian site.
Message 8 of 24
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Canada Post Service

I was leaving feedback for a seller recently and it would not let me rate shipping cost or shipping time.
shipping was Free so it qualified for 5 stars

shipping time: also five stars because it got there within the estimated time set by eBay
Message 9 of 24
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Canada Post Service

shipping was Free so it qualified for 5 stars

Didn't know eBay was doing this.

I guess it only works with trackabale shipments.

Message 10 of 24
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Canada Post Service

Hi Xenalook,
Are you using traceable shipment or just stamp mail? How long the stamp mail will take? For different area?

shipping was Free so it qualified for 5 stars

Didn't know eBay was doing this.

I guess it only works with trackabale shipments.

Message 11 of 24
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Canada Post Service

shipping was Free so it qualified for 5 stars

Didn't know eBay was doing this.

I guess it only works with trackabale shipments.


Any free shipping item gets an automatic 5 stars for shipping charges It doesn't have to be trackable.

But to get the automatic 5 stars for shipping time, it must have a tracking number uploaded to ebay and there's a couple of other rules as well. It doesn't apply to most Canadians.

You will automatically receive a 5-star shipping time detailed seller rating if:

You specify 1-day handling.

You upload U.S. Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx supported tracking information by the end of the next business day* Pacific Time after the buyer's payment clears.

Delivery Confirmation or tracking shows confirmed delivery 4 business days from when the payment clears—or—within your estimated delivery time if it's less than 4 days (for example, overnight shipping).

In some instances, there may be a delay in processing your shipping details, and buyers may be able to leave you a detailed seller rating for shipping time. If you have met the automatic 5-star shipping time requirements, your rating will be adjusted to 5 stars.

A business day is a normal weekday. Saturdays, Sundays, and major holidays are not business days

Message 12 of 24
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Canada Post Service

That's what I thought.

Laptop, we use almost 100% Light and Small Packet Air.

Message 13 of 24
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Canada Post Service

"Delivery Confirmation or tracking shows confirmed delivery 4 business days from when the payment clears—or—within your estimated delivery time if it's less than 4 days (for example, overnight shipping)."

WOW! on who's planet .... Scottie Beam Me Up?

Canada Post lucky if it gets to the main sorting facility in 4 days

I recently had a international trackable package sit in port for 19 days untill shipped out ...

10 KG 40 dollar item cost 94.00 international shipping via ground would have been over 250.00 to ship air? you tell them at least 6 to 8 weeks now it's over 2 months becuase of the port delay

Nobody wants to pay Canadian parcel rate thats trackable for a $12.00 item When small packet rate to the US is so Cheap

maybe I got this all wrong but the criteria is another Ebay lets see if we can help sellers with some way out unreachable target

Cheers Merry Ho Ho
Message 14 of 24
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Canada Post Service

No...small packet air is very expensive...Are you using small packet air within canada shipping also?

That's what I thought.

Laptop, we use almost 100% Light and Small Packet Air.

Message 15 of 24
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Canada Post Service

We are using Canada post expedited parcel within canada. and ups in States.. International shipping using canada post small packet international air. How about yourself?

Message 16 of 24
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Canada Post Service

Gee, I thought I was alone.

2 packages I shipped to the USA via small packet air on November 7th still have not arrived. I've already reimbursed shipping on both to keep the customers happy for the time being, pending the eventual delivery of the packages (I'm confident aren't I?)

I've never this service take this long when shipped in early December.
Message 17 of 24
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Canada Post Service

Same here lots of complaints ...... everything always arrives but kicking back money for small item i make little money on is expencive .. rather see the post take us seriously or cross boarder shoppers get a lesson screen popup on shipping times when they purchase seem simple enough ... most US buying from canada expect in the same time frame as within the US ... not possible with stricter boarder and custom regulations...... I even state the time in the postal reciept but still get complaints on shipping time
Message 18 of 24
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Canada Post Service

[quote mid="500909657"]No...small packet air is very expensive...Are you using small packet air within canada shipping also?

Small packets are not available within Canada and that's huge gripe for shippers, when you can send something cheaper to the US than you can in your own country.
Message 19 of 24
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Canada Post Service

Same here lots of complaints ...... everything always arrives but kicking back money for small item i make little money on is expencive .. rather see the post take us seriously or cross boarder shoppers get a lesson screen popup on shipping times when they purchase seem simple enough ... most US buying from canada expect in the same time frame as within the US ... not possible with stricter boarder and custom regulations...... I even state the time in the postal reciept but still get complaints on shipping time

I agree, most Americans don't get that these parcels are crossing a border and have to go through customs. Today (Christmas Eve) I just got another customer for a package sent December 7th to Florida via small packet surface ask for the 'tracking' #. I had explained up front that surface could take alot longer longer at this time of year, suggested they spend the extra buck and change for Airmail to get it faster, but they still chose surface and are now the 3rd USA customer this week wondering why they haven't yet received their item yet.


Are there more extreme customs delays to the U.S. this year? My international packages sent at the same time have arrived.
Message 20 of 24
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