Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

From eBay


On February 11th 2013, Canada Post will introduce two lower-cost trackable services for US and International shipments: Tracked Packet – USA and Tracked Packet – International.  These services will be an attractive optio...


With the upcoming introduction of these two new services, Canada Post will retire the Small Packet – USA Ground service effective January 14th for customers using PayPal label printing. Small Packet – USA Ground service will be retired effective February 11th at Post Offices. Small Packet – International (Air & Ground) and Small Packet – USA Air will continue to be available at Post Offices and via Paypal label printing.


In addition, effective January 14th, liability coverage will no longer be available on any Small Packet services.


Tracked Packet – USA and Tracked Packet – International will become available via PayPal label printing at a special discounted rate for eBay sellers. We’ll have more details regarding timing and label-printing discounts for these services early in the New Year.


In early February, the new Canada Post Tracked Packet USA and Tracked Packet International services will become available on listing flows.


Also in early February, Small Packets USA – Ground will be removed from the available flat rate and calculated rate shipping service options for new listings on


What this means for Sellers: Should you re-list a listing that includes Small Packets USA – Ground after the service has been retired in early February, the relist will succeed, but the shipping service will be removed. For Good ‘Til Cancelled listings, Small Packets USA – Ground will be removed from listings as they reach their first 30-day renewal date after the service has been retired in early February.


Remember that listings get full exposure on – but only if the listing includes at least one flat rate or calculated rate specified shipping service for US buyers.


If you have listings where Small Packets USA – Ground is the only service available to US buyers, you’ll need to add a different service prior to February to avoid losing listing exposure on


Recommended Best Practice: If you have any listings that currently offer the Small Packets USA – Ground service as the only available service for US buyers, revise those listings in January to either add an additional shipping service for US buyers, or to remove Small Packets USA – Ground and replace it with a different US shipping service.



Read more about Tracked Packet – USA and Tracked Packet – International


Thanks for your collaboration in this matter.




The eBay Canada team

Message 1 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Nice to see some tracking...but hey wait a minute.  Canada Post just doubled the price of mailing a small packet, threw tracking on it...which is a bar code...and doubled the price.


Ok so I just shipped a comic book to a buyer in New York State, bubble envelope, cardboard, all of 8-10 ounces for about $5.97, now that same shipment is going to cost me $13-15.00....ok so maybe I will just ship without are removing the small pak option.   Nice.


US Sellers ship a box to me for 8.00.   I can't ship a box down the street for less than 11.00.  Anything out of my province is 15.00.



Out of business.

Message 2 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Just wrote to eBay and let them know that


all of  Canada Post's new services


and new pricing come into effect


on January 14....


I do not know where they got the February date....



Message 3 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Canada Post official announcement refers to January 2013 (NOT February): 


Could eBay have made a mistake? No! Could not be! Not eBay! 😞

Message 4 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Not eBay!,  No,  NOT eBay!

Message 5 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Tracked Packet will be available January 14 on the Canada Post website.  and pricing will be in effect for this option on this date.


Canada Post says that Small Packet USA will be available until February 11, 2013... for one extra month... No price increase,  but with no insurance included.


If I want to use tracked packet,  I will add the pricing on January 14.


and then have to add the name.. Tracked Packet after February 11.


Double revision.


Double vision


The following link provides information on all of Canada Post's options, new rates and everything new about their options...


Information about Small Packet USA is on page 29


Tracked Packet is on page 28.



Message 6 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

As of now.... for me ....


On January 14 Tracked Packet USA can be labelled as


(1) Standard International shipping




(2) Expedited International shipping


Number 1 is preferred as there already is an Expedited USA option.


and then after eBay wakes up after February 11...  That will get changed to Tracked Packet USA...


Double revision...


The problem is that eBay wants to delete Small Packet USA and add Tracked Packet USA in their computer programs  as of February 11.


It is easier to do this  than to change everything on January 14....  which would be much easier for those of us that have to make revisions.


Adding Tracked Packet USA for January 14,  and then removing Small Packet USA on February 11...  does not appear to be possible....





Message 7 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

I'm not following any of this. The tracked service goes what, ground? It purely replaces the untracked ground service?


I mostly use Small Packet Air and some Expedited. My Expedited is never more than 2K and a lot is less than 1K.


I never use ground.

Message 8 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Well, I woke up and read some of the links. I use flat-rate pricing anyway, so, I don't need to do anything. Holding the line on Small Packet prices so I will NOT be changing my rates. This is three years of the same rates that I charge.


The 500-1K range looks like it has taken a price drop if I am reading it right. It "looks" like that will be cost-effective for tracking. Looks like that will spill over into the 1-2K range.


500g-1K is a hybrid small packet-Expedited?


None of this really helps me, it just doesn't hurt me. So, as I lay on the ground, unabble to move, eBay and CP are NOT kicking me? That is a victory, right?

Message 9 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

I keep hearing about this new service but all it boils down to is the price.

So far there was no example of the price, so before everyone starts dancing around the office, remember that CanadaPost has long history of price increases without adding value and gouging Canadians to make up on revenue losses from delivering flood of China junkmail.

This smells just like repackaged massive increase. The barcode does not give you money back if parcel is lost, but insurance does. They took more and added less.

Message 10 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Dip, price examples are in the links. It is a costly upgrade to Cdn's that already suffer a cost disavantage. For example, I ship Small Packet Air for $7.61. Tracking adds $5 to that. Right.


Under 500 grams it is costly unless the widget is expensive. Over 500 grams, and over 1 K, it starts to get interesting. I won't really know until I sell in Jan.


What this is, is following what USPS has been doing. The Americans, who use the service, charge hideously high prices for tracking to outside their borders. Canada now has the same ability.


0-249g goes up 19 cents, 250-499 up 25 cents. 500-1K may go down for a lot of what I sell. Over 1K may go down as well.


So, no "massive increase". Because I can ship bigger and heavier, cheaper, with PayPal shipping I may be a lot of money ahead for 2013!

Message 11 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Examples are there, so I stand corrected. I seen some other links before and there was no mention of the examples, my apologies.

I have not been using Small Packet in quite some time and did not catch up with increases last couple years so those prices seem somewhat high to me, but since you say they are normal ...

International example for 170g DVD seems definitely excessive.

Message 12 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

This new Tracked Packet email is very confusing - even to someone with a masters degree. On second or third reading, I'm assuming we can still use Airmail Small Packet without the insurance. Is this correct? And does anyone know if LIght Packet will still be available. Most of my parcels are shipped Light Packet and if that rate isn't available and I have to move to LIght Packet Air, it may well put me out of business. Has anyone got any answers from Canada Post? 

Message 13 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Community Member

International example for 170g DVD seems definitely excessive

Excessive? Outrageous, more like.

And then eBay has the unmitigated gall to tell us that the "[Tracked Packet] services will be an attractive option for eBay sellers".

Oh for the days when eBay had the cojones to bitch in public about Canada Post's extortionate postal rates.

As to the Light Packet rates for 2013, which as usual were omitted from the price list, I've phoned one of my contacts at CP in Ottawa to find out and he promised to get back to me.



Message 14 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Guess I'll have to wait for when CP's website updates the shipping calculator to fully know the prices, but if I look at the examples, It looks more like a package 0-250g went from just under $6 to just over $13.

They are comparing it to Expedited parcel rather the current small packets.

Message 15 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

^Should have added that unless this new Tracked package has the same discounts that Expedited has through Paypal, it might just be cheaper to ship Expedited now 😕

Would have been easier to keep the same names, up the price $1 (or 2) and add tracking.

Message 16 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Community Member

Light Packet rates for 2013 to USA and International:

0-200 g    $2.65    5.20

101-250 g  $5.53  10.00

251-500 g  $8.89  17.75




Message 17 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Community Member

Sorry, that should read

0-100 g   $2.65    $5.20



Message 18 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Guess I'll have to wait for when CP's website updates the shipping calculator to fully know the prices, but if I look at the examples, It looks more like a package 0-250g went from just under $6 to just over $13.

You can use small packet air USA which should still be under $8.

Tom, thank you for the new light packet prices!

Message 19 of 25
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Re: Canada Post, new service and eBay announcement

Look back 10 years...


We had low postal prices coupled with an exchange rate that was about $1.40 Canadian equal to $1.00 US.


Then things changed over the years..


The cost of postage went up... up... up.


New services adjusted services  and more...


Adjustments have been made..


If someone wants it they will buy and pay the postage....  That happened before  and it will continue with each passing year.


It will also become obvious  that certain inventory  just may not be profitable  to the same degree with each passing year....


and then ...


Certain inventory has to be mailed  fully insured.... and now fully insured and trackable.


US buyers have become  very much tuned into tracking....


Ten years into the future..... Services??... Pricing???


There will be more changes.....  and if people want it,  they will buy   and they will pay the postage....



Message 20 of 25
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