02-15-2013 09:40 AM
Shipping a watch 200 grams to Moscow - only air option is some 62 dollars, insured 100. SURFACE about 43. No Tracked Packet option to Russia, no other COVERAGE option shipping. What to do??? Does anyone have other shipping options or trade secrets to share?? Thanks!:-D
02-15-2013 01:01 PM
There are always risks selling & shipping online.
Bottom line, do what makes you feel comfortable.
Your product, your money.
Expensive items overseas wihout shipping, not for this cat. My choice of course.
Not discounting the previous advice that was shared.
02-15-2013 01:04 PM
With insurance with tracking,
International sales have become a luxury.
This is 2013.... step into the future, 5, 6 or more years .... and plan ahead...
Today's newspaper says Canada Post is in the "red" as stated in the Winnipeg Free Press
and l.... ots more at the following link
02-15-2013 01:12 PM
I actually still get 1 or 2 international sales a month and they are usually big .. I had a guy from SWitzerland pay $88 to have to Harry potter sets and 1 hp steelbook.... Price was cheaper then shipping but I explained it sent them a link to saee shipping cosat and sent shipping payment info wqhich actually cost me $91 .. 5 stars all arouind and the buyer saent me the extra $3 after I told them not to worry because I felt horrible having to charge them $88..
Every Cusatomer I have had from Switzerland has been an absolute delight to deal with and have always willingly paid the extra cost in shipping..
Come to think about it My switzerland cusatomewr were saooooooooo nice if it was cheap to ship I probably would have shipped them all a bonus movie .. I don't advertise it but most of my good,polite and understanding customers get discounts and freebies often ..
I never ship to russia or germany bad experience for me 5 cases filed 2 won for me and 3 lost and 1 I lost even with tracking so I wrote those to place off because from 6 sales 4 to germany 2 to russia those are saome horrible odds..
02-15-2013 01:44 PM
You can not insure it, therefore I recommend to use the just AIRMAIL shipment because even for this type of shipping it make take up to 1 month.
And more important: when you pack it, make sure you tape and then tape it again to prevent the opening with blade.
I had recently a case (wrote about it on discussion board) when the buyer declared that he received only the envelope with my "thank you" note and piece of paper. Two soft covered booklets were missing.
I had to refund the buyer and then went to store for supplies of packaging tapes.
Please see what I am selling - you will understand that I have frequent buyers from Russia.
If you need additional advise, feel free to ask.
02-15-2013 03:19 PM
02-16-2013 12:26 AM
Keep in mind when you buy insurance, that the insurer knows that he will take in more in premiums than he will pay out in claims.
So if you are the insurer (the self-insurance jar that pierrelebel and others have mentioned) then you are the one taking in the premiums.
However, just to complicate matters, it does depend on the category. I am comfortable without third party insurance for my books. Pierre deals with stamp collectors who are a very very honest group. Brandee has had problems with his DVD buyers. Watches? Oh lordee, no! Some other risky categories seem to be dolls, horse tack, and anything electronic.
On the whole, communication , excellent packaging, and self-insurance may be the key to keeping shipping "losses" low.
Another thought. If you offer Free Shipping as your first domestic option, I believe that there is no FVF charged on any shipping fees, even if the USA or overseas customer is paying S&H. So your $88 overseas shipping would have $0 FVF if you include the domestic fees in the price (so called Free Shipping) but charge a reasonably pro-rated amount for other countries.
02-16-2013 01:43 AM
Many successful sellers managed to get their packages to the USPS system
and you win both speed and shipping cost.
Depending on your location, many sellers are helping each others:
Montreal: montreal books will take your packages to USPS for about $1 per package
Calgary: DYK home plus will take your packages to USPS for about $1 per package
Vancouver: Books to the border will take your packages to USPS for about $1 per package
Toronto: Chat Chi express will take your packages to USPS for about $1 per package
All you have to do is to print your USPS label online at home. These sellers will help you!
All you have to do is to put the watch in a flat rate envelop (if it fits). It costs about $29-35 by priority to Russia and comes with tracking by USPS.
DO NOT ship to Russia by Canadapost. For some reasons, packages get shipped to Russia by Canadapost take at least 9 weeks even by small packet air mail (Canadapost claimed 12 business days and this is not true for Russia). It takes forever to deliver! Without tracking, you will lose the case in paypal.
02-16-2013 07:53 AM
You could ship via small packet and use third party insurance at about $1.50/$100.
U-Pic covers Russia.
Also, I looked at some of you items and even though international shipping costs can be high, your high price should more that compensate you for that.
The items I know about are up there for what you are selling.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, and if you're able to move your stuff at those prices kudos to you.........
You've coupled high item prices with high shipping costs, and I think that's a big problem for buyers.
In short, for you, high shipping costs shouldn't be an issue.
02-16-2013 08:51 AM
From the Shipsurance website... an interesting statement ...
For shipments to Russian and other Commonwealth of Independent States countries (includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan) coverage ceases upon touchdown of the aircraft at the airport of destination or upon discharge from the overseas vessel at the destination discharge port.
Very important to understand how insurance is applied by companies such as Shipsurance....
Sounds like Shipsurance does not trust the local postal service.
02-16-2013 09:42 AM
Cumos: I do not understand your post, and I'm not sure if it's a response to mine or just random???
It seems to be a response to mine.
In any case:
You are correct: It is very important to understand the specifics of the insurance provider.
shipsurance does not insure to Russia, but I think that is common knowledge by now to almost everyone who buys third party insurance.
Someone who has never used third party insurance may not be aware of that......... but are you cautioning art2love not to use shipsurance for some reason?
There are many third party insurance companies, and each one is different.
For example: Each company has a list of countries it will and will not insure.
Also, many or most do no cover CPO shipments.
However, U-Pic covers CPO shipments and it does insure shipments to Russia.
If someone does opt to ship to Russia, and does not want to spend the money on insuring with CPO, then U-Pic is an option.
02-16-2013 10:43 AM
In short, for you, high shipping costs shouldn't be an issue
Maybe they're 'high' shipping costs, ( doesn't matter high, low, medium!) but "for you" implies you're privy to the seller's overhead and acquisition costs in making that presumption. How can you assume that it shouldn't be an issue for this particular a seller?
02-16-2013 10:57 AM
In short, for you, high shipping costs shouldn't be an issue
Maybe they're 'high' shipping costs, ( doesn't matter high, low, medium!) but "for you" implies you're privy to the seller's overhead and acquisition costs in making that presumption. How can you assume that it shouldn't be an issue for this particular a seller?
You're absolutely right.
I know what my costs would be for the types of items listed and I was generalizing from that.
I don't know art's costs.
I was assuming way too much...............
Sorry "bout that.
02-17-2013 01:21 AM
I haven't had any Nasties international yet.
But, Internationally UK & Aussie is my only buyers really.
I've also only ran into Canadian nasties because Oversized Lettermail is the cheapest if its small & light.
Just had a nasty in US but 1 in 100 transactions is good enough rate for me.