First off, I am not so ignorant as to think that your initial request for clarification was only that. You also went on to say "
It would be truly less confusing if there is indeed only one organizer, that he/she alone respond to the requests for updates." At that point you no longer were simply asking for information... you were suggesting that I had no place in making my simple posts.
You yourself said that you were confused. Had you taken the time to read through the thread you would have readily seen that Al was co-coordinating this effort. You would have seen that Al had been asking people interested to email him directly. You would have seen that I had merely said that some people were sorely missed but that Al would be keeping everyone informed as to the next meeting.
Your confusion could have been resolved with the simple question "Who do I contact to ensure that I am advised of the next meeting date?". Instead you chose to say "
If it is Al that is organizing or leading these sessions, then why is Bill responding to the posts for updates?" Is it your contention that I have no place to say that someone was missed? Is it also your contention that I should not post a response to someone who posts here? You may begin to understand why I was somewhat miffed by your initial post.