Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

I have been doing this for while now and I have run across this area in ebay again. I am looking to find out where many of the Canadian Power Sellers are located in Canada to forge alliances and share information. The ebay forum is a good one for general discussion but still does not provide one-on-one conversations live with a real person who has experienced many of the pratfalls of being a Canadian seller. The forum is a good one, but is a service where information cannot be conveyed in two of three sentences in an message post. I spend many hours doing business on ebay and feel that the email system of communicating is very impersonal and delayed when trying to get answers. I am an honest business person and I am looking for serious people who can communicate and who would like to expand their ebay businesses like myself or take advantage of free insight as well as give some. We have combined knowledge as ebay users and have seen many different situations when buying and selling. I have made contact by chance with other power sellers near my locations and we have incorporated our combined knowledge into our day to day operations. This is why I am now posting this message in the forum to locate others. I am not a new user and I think it is time that we had some one-on-one conversations with each other to take advantage of our shared experiences and personal knowledge. I have a couple of years experience and looking at expanding my knowledge and sharing ideas. This is not a spoof or spam message. I am not soliciting or selling anything so please do not misinterpret this message. I am looking for others with the same goals who are serious. I see this as a benefit to many, since as Canadians and we are likely to encounter similar situations associated with being Canadian sellers. I see our goals as the same in all of the messages posted to grow and expand our common knowledge.
Thanks in advance.

Message 1 of 235
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234 REPLIES 234

Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations
Community Member
I'm confused as to who is organizing these meetings. Is it Al (Fitzheuen) or Bill (Treasure Pot). If both are organizing it, then who do I ask to put me on the minutes and meeting notices? My experience has been when there is more than one organizer, things get often get overlooked as each one thinks the other is doing it.

If it is Al that is organizing or leading these sessions, then why is Bill responding to the posts for updates?

P-L-E-A-S-E I just want to make sure I am included in the next meeting notice.

It would be truly less confusing if there is indeed only one organizer, that he/she alone respond to the requests for updates.
Message 141 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I had no idea that some people were so easily confused.

My posts merely said that the individual was sorely missed for not attending and that Al would be happy to ensure that they were kept in the loop regarding the next meeting (as I know he is). I had no idea that my posts were causing such chaos., to rest your troubled mind, Al did all of the background work including the meeting attendance and I only organized the location. I'm sorry you find this massive infrastructure worrysome. I'm pretty certain that those that attended were able to keep it straight. You might want to read this thread to see that this effort bagan from Al.

I'm sorry if this response to your post adds to your confusion.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 142 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Hi Bill,
I'd like to say that getting a meeting going was a great idea and one that I would have definitely been interested in attending. Unfortunately I just became a power seller and didn't find out about it in time. Please keep me in mind for any future ones.


Message 143 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Forgot to mention.
I am located in the GTA area

Message 144 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Andre, you would be more than welcome to attend the next meeting. Please contact Al at the email address he provided in the very first post with your name, address and telephone number and he will certainly keep you informed.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 145 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I had no idea that some people were so easily confused.

bill-honest to god, this left me rolling on the floor...

I'm sorry if this response to your post adds to your confusion

...and this one even more..!!:^O

thanks for making me laugh my guts out..:^O
Message 146 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations
Community Member

Thanks for clarifying this. I don't think your response was deserved. I was simply trying to ascertain who, whether it be you or Al or both are organizing this so my request to be kept advised would be directed to the right person.

I was not to say the least ROTFLOL. Some common courtesy is due here. I will be liaising with Al from now on, hopefully he is not as ignorant as your response was received.
Message 147 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member offense or mean spiritedness to you that i found bill's response funny...
i hope you get your goals accomplished with al..:-)
Message 148 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations
Community Member
Thanks Kat. People receive messages differently. I was only seeking an honest answer and thought his response sarcastic. I did not expect nor appreciate that, especially from someone with such a high positive feedback and long-term Power Seller status.

I try to be courteous to all, not just those buying products.
Message 149 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member

First off, I am not so ignorant as to think that your initial request for clarification was only that. You also went on to say "It would be truly less confusing if there is indeed only one organizer, that he/she alone respond to the requests for updates." At that point you no longer were simply asking for information... you were suggesting that I had no place in making my simple posts.

You yourself said that you were confused. Had you taken the time to read through the thread you would have readily seen that Al was co-coordinating this effort. You would have seen that Al had been asking people interested to email him directly. You would have seen that I had merely said that some people were sorely missed but that Al would be keeping everyone informed as to the next meeting.

Your confusion could have been resolved with the simple question "Who do I contact to ensure that I am advised of the next meeting date?". Instead you chose to say "If it is Al that is organizing or leading these sessions, then why is Bill responding to the posts for updates?" Is it your contention that I have no place to say that someone was missed? Is it also your contention that I should not post a response to someone who posts here? You may begin to understand why I was somewhat miffed by your initial post.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 150 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Bill - I'm confused too 🙂 -- Who is the other CO-COORDINATOR you referred to in your last post to

Since AL started this I assume he is running with it and I am communicating directly with him on the next meeting rather than posting questions here.

If there is another CO-COORDINATOR then I would like to know WHO is doing/responsible for WHAT.

Al - Please clarify this situation further and let everyone know WHO we should be directing our communications to.


Message 151 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Tim... just a typo... coordinator.

My only responsibility thus far was to secure the meeting place. As we left it at the end of the meeting, I will also be collecting information from those that attended on shipping supplies.

There is no other coordinator.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 152 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Hi All Watching and reading

Just logging into this thread after a couple of days.

Just to let everyone know that the date for the next meeting is Feb 24 or 25 1:00pm.

I will setup the location for the meeting so it is again convent for the majority of those who are interested in attending.

If there is a topic that should be discussed in our next meeting please let me know so if there is any research that is required I can gather more information.

I have been in contact with all who attended the last meeting or left messages for return phone calls to check progress of tasks undertaken.

If anyone is interested email me directly with proper contact information. (username, proper name, and phone number.)

There has been over 25 unique ebay members who have written messages in this thread but in many cases it is all an arms length conversation.

I do not mind phoning to talk in person with people.

We will be sending out the minutes of the last meeting to those who attended and to others that I can talk to directly for continued input.

I have been in contact with PESA in the US and I am waiting for further information to arrive. has contacted me already and has shown an interest in our meeting and alliances.

They would also like to meet with us as a group in the future if possible.

Some will think this not a good idea but I do not for obvious reasons.

We are seeing more and more power seller log into this thread to leave messages.

Please all Power Sellers keep in mind that we want to keep our conversations as professional as possible for all those read this thread.

Everything that is now discussed in the thread is looked at with a fine tooth comb !!!

We are beginning something that could be a very good thing for all Canadian Powers Seller locally and Nationally.

Please direct all inquiries directly to myself if possible to avoid confusion in the future.

We have not become large enough at this point in time where this is a multi person task.

We are moving forward as a group and we have gotten this far to make a difference for all involved.

Message 153 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Hello All
A little late joining the conversation but count me in for future discussions etc
golfing in style
but not quite yet in Winnipeg
Message 154 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Hi Lucas

Thanks for the post.

I look forward to talking to you in the future.

Send me an email and I will phone you directly.

Message 155 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations
Community Member
Thanks Al, I will initiate communication with you directly.
Message 156 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Hi Mel

Thanks for the information look forward to talking to you again.

I did not expect the responses that you received when you posted your questions.

It seemed a bit disconcerning when we are trying to unite not divide.

Message 157 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Seems to be mainly Ontario PowerSellers here. I am from Vancouver, BC. Are there any other BC PowerSellers out there?

Celtic Studio
Message 158 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Hello Yes I am in North Vabcouver
Message 159 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Hello everyone.

I have been in contact with PESA (Professional Ebay Sellers Alliance) in the US and had a very interesting conversation with one of its key members and directors.

They are very interested in having members of the Canadian Power Sellers attend their meeting coming up in this spring.

This meeting of PESA is designed to help assist Power Sellers and ebay sellers with their day to day operations and help their businesses grow.

There will be many key note speakers at this meeting and the cost of attending is minimal compared to the event itself and information that can be gained.

I have been also informed that Bill Cobb has attended on many times to present to this group.

The PESA organization also has formed many partnerships with companies to help it members in the US and the offer was presented to us as a group from PESA.

I will be attending this meeting and see this as an opportunity for my businesses on ebay and beyond.

I am presently waiting for the agenda to be emailed to my location to review it.

PESA has even offered to taylor part of the US meeting to suit our requirements if enough people are interested in attending from Canada as a group.

They are also aware that our requirements are different than our US counterparts and seem very interested in forming a relationship with Canadian Powers Seller as a group or as individuals.

Just though I would let all know as well that ebay is looking at removing the auction listing dates to one format.

By the sounds of it the 1, 3, 5, and 10 day listing options will no longer exist as of Feb 28, 07.

PEAS is presently in talks with ebay about these recently looked at changes because it affects us all.

It sounds like it will be one fixed date only with no other options.

I will be in contact again with PESA and I have also requested a contact with a Canadian member to PESA to contact me directly.

According to the person I was talking to at PESA it will be next week.

The minutes of the meeting are to be sent out tonight to all who attended the power seller meeting in Ontario.

I can also send the information to all interested if contacted directly by email with a contact phone number is left where one can be reached.

I have contacted other Power Sellers who attended the meeting but have not progress updates at this time on the tasks undertaken.

As a group in Ontario we are not trying to exclude anyone in Canada from participating with the group here.
We are looking at other ways to allow all others to attend from a longer distance but this is still in the works.

I do not want to make it a virtual meeting like I have seen in here before where the speaker gets slaughtered by questions that go unanswered and it becomes ineffective.

We just are requesting some personal contact from other provinces that is not in a message string.

Again send you phone number to my email address below and I will gladly phone everyone.

I will be starting a new thread shortly in regards to the PESA meeting to inform all who may be interested in attending.

Here is the PESA website again

Message 160 of 235
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