Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
Well, this goes down as one of the more bizarre things eBay has done. They're advertising a discussion for Canadian Powersellers ON THE U.S. POWERSELLERS BOARD, but not here on the CANADIAN Powersellers board. Also, the notice was posted only 1.5 hours before the actual discussion.

Anyways, here's the link:

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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Normal for ebay.

Be there. First chance I can remember. How do we contact other ps'ers?

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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
I refuse to let eBay off the hook by describing their behavior as normal. 😉

Contacting Powersellers: That's what this thread is for.

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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

sent a few messages already

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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
Thanks Angelo!
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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
I'll be there. Noticed the thread on the US board and popped over there to see if an alert had been sent out.

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
Totally confusing.

It calls for Canadian Power Sellers yet is geared totally to the US Power Sellers to talk to Cdn eBay Pinks about eBay Canada.

It states that it is because we requested such a discussion! I dont ever recall seeing that request on this PS discussion board.

I due recall seeing how the Cdn eBay Pinks have been absent from talking to the Cdn Power Sellers, but that is another matter.

Could eBay have gotten things messed up again? What would the purpose be to talk to US Power Sellers about eBay Canada?

Why would a discussion take place with US Power Sellers with eBay Canada BEFORE they set up a discussion with the Canadian Power Sellers?

Boy am I ever going to miss being a Power Seller at the end of this month and miss out on these enlightening events.


PS Thanks Angelo for the heads up on this.
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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

on now.

I think.

Message 8 of 21
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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
I suspect they only 1)posted the announcement on the U.S. board and; 2)did it only an hour and a half before the start time, to try to avoid too many hardball questions be thrown at them.

Oh and that this board has completely fallen off the eBay radar.
Message 9 of 21
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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
Purportedly Canadian Power Sellers who post only on the US Power Seller Board asked for a forum to be hosted by Pinks to answer Cdn PS questions about eBay Canada, or something like that.

After one hour, everyone that posted with the exception of one US PSers who came on and then left, were Cdn Power Sellers who post on the .ca PS Board daily and more frequently than on the US Board.

I am not aware of any Cdn PSer who posts on the US BOard who asked for this forum and if they did, why didnt they participate?

Had it not been for the extra efforts of a few Cdn PSers such as Angelo, that forum may have had no more than 2 people on it.

Had it been held on the Cdn PS Board, it would have reached more Cdn Power Sellers.

Totally confusing. Remionds me of that old movie line "What if we held a party, and nobody came to it"

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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

typical ebay speak.

Questions were not answered. Just deferred and avoided.

A complete waste of time.

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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
Yeah. Thanks loads Angelo. If you hadnt sent me that email about that forum, I could have been doing something more important like picking the wax from my ears or watching the paint peel off the walls.

Message 12 of 21
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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

I was able to pick wax out of my ears AND participate at the same time

Perhaps you need that skill to have success on eBay?

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 13 of 21
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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
I had to go to the Post Office... my the time I signed back on it was done 😞

I read all posts agree with the above.

It is simply a lack of respect to they own Canadian PS to not inform them ahead of time by email or on their own Board that they will be holding this discussion not here but on the US Board....

Re the eBay shop... in order to want to place an order by contacting CS, you have to know what you can order. Where is the list and where are the pictures? 😞

Message 14 of 21
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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
Well, one of my questions to Shira a while back might have been part of what triggered the discussion on the US board. I would definitely have participated if I had know about it -- I was out all morning (yes ... golfing!) and by the time I got home it was over. If I had known it was on, I would have made a point of being here and certainly would have repeated my question - Shira didn't have an answer for me a few months back, although she DID try!

As far as ordering from the eBay PS shop - I seem to remember that P&H was US$25 for any order -- I don't want any of that stuff that badly!! If we charged that much P&H for a mug, they'd accuse us of fee avoidance.

To Golf or Not To Golf? What a stupid question!


Click here to go to my Store
Message 15 of 21
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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
Yup, I missed as well. Got an email from Angelo with thanks, but being March Break, am out with my daughter and didn't get to check my emails until 5:45... well after the event.

Buy my vote for Cdn of the month is Angelo. Way to go above and beyond buddy!....

Message 16 of 21
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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
I was lucky to catch the last 10 minutes, I had an appointment that I had to keep and eBay giving only an hour and a half notice on the wrong discussion board shows how out of touch with us they really are.

Why does Shira on the eBay US PS board have to INVITE reps from eBay CA to their board to have a Canadian PowerSellers discussion? Are the reps so clueless that they can't hold their own discussion on the Canadian PS board? I tell ya, we are invisible here.

It's been said before and it's true that the only "benefits" of being a Canadian PowerSeller amounts to little more than bragging rights and the ability to post questions to this board. We're like the Home Depot of eBay, all do-it-yourself.

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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
Totally out to lunch!!!!!!!
Message 18 of 21
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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
Ernie, I wouldnt talk that way about Home Depot. I like that company, well run, do alot for their employees, customers and Olymmpic teams.

In fact that Atlanta based company gives generously to the Canadain and US Olympic teams unlike eBay whose support (including free gifts) os clearly directed State-side.

I can imagine eBay attempting to do what Home Depot does:

Picture this big billboard in a Canadian city somewhere near you:
"eBay, proud sponsor of the US Olympic team welcomes all Canadians to join the US team as our part to help Team Canada in the next Olympics".

Oh well, eBay could have posted the invitation for today's forum to us Cdn PSers on the UK site and held the forum on the Aussie site.

Did eBay blow it again? In my books, BIG TIME!!!!

PS sarcastically I suggested canning the Cdn PS forum as the Cdn Pinks seem too busy to bother with us but have enough time to go onto the US Board. I am quite surprised at their response.

That together with holding the forum on the US BOard tells me that I am not that far off on eBay's next move to give a higher return to their shareholders and that will be to cut back on services as another fee increase will probably kill them next time.

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Canadian PowerSellers discussion TODAY at 1 PM PST (4PM Eastern)

Community Member
Wasn't bashing Home Depot, just using it as a reference to a store that specializes in do-it-yourself -- much like we do because eBay is no help.

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