Clearly People Dont Think when leaving FB!

Community Member
I guess it is just that I have received several unbelievable comments in a row that I am now reflecting just how stupid some people really are. It is because of the comment that I got tonight that I had to start this thread.

Customer wins auction November 30th and pays that night with PayPal. I ship out his guitar THE NEXT DAY on December 1st and it arrives THE NEXT MORNING December 2nd within 16 hours of shipping, about 30 hours after he pays.

... and what does comment does he leave me? "average delivery" to which I reply "Next Business Day Delivery!- 300 miles away. Couldnt be any faster if I drove it"

I felt like leaving this guy a neg, even though he left me positive FB. Clearly his comment didnt reflect the nature of the deal at all so why did he bother leaving any FB at all (and 2 months later as well)?

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Clearly People Dont Think when leaving FB!

Community Member
Malcolm, I feel for you and the guy is definitely a yutz. Needs a kick in the pants and a bag of flaming poop on his porch.

Now that I have that out of my system, in order for an invisble relationship like ours to work, we need to go on SOMETHING. So feedback, I think, is as good as any system we can get. Had you been a scammer, I would have wanted to know as your next potential victim.

When I had my retail gallery, I donated alot of my paintings to charity. I did it for the good of my health, but also because the charity always sent me a nice letter on their official letterhead. I framed each of these and I had this "wall of feedback" (if you will). This was as good a sales tool as any I had. Now it's true I did not post any that were negative, but I did not get any of those!

Of course folks don't think when leaving FB. But I had some non-thinking nutbars at retail too - and I had to deal with them IN PERSON ((((SHUDDER)))).

Your pal here *and over there*

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Clearly People Dont Think when leaving FB!

Malcolm you seem to attract an awful lot of idiot buyers. I wouldn't have guessed that people buying musical instruments would have been such
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Clearly People Dont Think when leaving FB!

Community Member
Sorry about those comments received, Malcolm. I can feel your pain. Not much we can do about it. The feedback system is so misused.

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Clearly People Dont Think when leaving FB!

Community Member
That's rotten, Malcolm. You know, most buyers just have no idea what goes into selling on eBay-- all the work of listing, responding to emails, packing, shipping, tracking etc. etc. I don't know if they think most of us have a big staff or what, but I do believe that most buyers just have no idea. Nor do they know (and apparently eBay doesn't either) how small our profit margins often are. And I think many buyers don't realize how important feedback is to sellers. When we go overboard to give excellent service, and then get feedback like that, it really stinks.
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Clearly People Dont Think when leaving FB!

Community Member
You are right, it is a difficult business to be in. Some of the reasons are that people often purchase for someone else and dont know what they are buying. Then the person getting the item from the relative is not happy as they would have chosen something different.

Another reason is people's expectations are differnt between the time of their making the purchase, anticipating the sound to be idential to a professional performer and then their own lack-lustre performance.

I get the people who want to return a trumpet and tell me that their 12-year old son tells them they want a superior instrument. Of course that 12-year old son knows what he is talking about, I had only played trumpet for 35 years, and both my children do as well and have won gold medals in national competitions, so what do we know over a 12-year old kid who has been playing for one year.

Even my relatives will spend $250-$350 a year renting an instrument when I can sell them a brand new one for the same price as they pay in rental fees, because the music teacher suggested which model to use and which store to rent it(so that she gets her personal instruments for free as a kick back from the store).

But when you ship a product within 16 hours of being paid for it with next morning delivery and they comment "average delivery" what the heck were these people smoking? What do they expect, that it will be delivered within an hour of their paying for the item?

This thread follows closely to my thread dealing with posting negative comments as a marketing tool, only on ebay would this ever be done.

As Lisa said in her post above, you run a business and you choose to post in a predominent place, those kind letters from customers or charities that you give to.

On eBay you are saddled with having the garbage posted and that is supposed to make us better sellers?

I dont know if it is a seasonal thing or the receint eBay fee hike announcement, but I am getting tired of this crap again (trying to run a successful business inside of the eBay envirnment, contrary to most of the business rules I know).

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