Hi Everyone...
I am pretty new to these discussion boards...so please bear with me..
I have been on the phone and emailing Canada Post and Ebay for the last 2 days trying to get more info. on why I haven't been able to order more of those wonderful Ebay-packs (envelops)..
Canada post said at first "Out of stock" and then said no longer available..
When I contacted Ebay...they had no ideal what I was talking about..and they would send me on a wild goose chase (go here go there, ahhhhhhhhhhh)
Please if someone from EBAY is reading this...PLEASE I am in Desperate need for more of those envelops..
If they are discontinued will they be replaces with something else?
Please any info would be great..
Thanks and have a great day!!
Renee Warden, sewingthings