eBay wants a level playing field and that includes those that sell $ more than others.
Howver their program really isnt set up to be level.
If a car dealer sells 4 cars per month through eBay getting 4 positive FBs making him a Platinum member, is he a better seller than someone who sells 500 $5 items per month and is a bronze seller getting 500 positive FBs?
However dollar-wise, the car dealer may be giving a bigger $ return to eBay so he gets a direct line to their customer service reps whereas the lowly bronze sends his emails off to only get canned responses that often have little to do with what he asked.
To me this doesnt make sense as the guy selling 500 items has 125 times the opportunity to have problems given the number of transactions with different customers that he has.
I guess I didnt quite answer your question directly, rather took advantage of it to point out that selling more $$$ wise really shouldnt entitle sellers to better service, if, as eBay says, this is to be a level playing field.