Community Member
We could really use some good advice. What's the best way to handle this situation?

On January 20/06 rajeshdaryani68 joined eBay and then purchased from our store. Our ad had the shipping listed for 2 US services. We sent an invoice on the same day as the purchase. The buyer responded today for the first time.

We received 4 messages all at once. The first 2 said "I don't want to buy this item. Please cancel my order."

The next 2 were copied from the email as follows:

"Dea seller,

Please don't ship the item. I really don't want to purchase the item . I was not told about excessive shipping charges and so I am not really responsible for purchase the item or committing to the transaction. Please cancel the order or any shipment .

If I am forced to purchase the item by you shipping and then claiming payment from me I am going to bring legal action against you and ebay. I wanted earlier to purchase the item earlier but was not appraised of shipping charges .

If you don't cancel the order I will be forced to bring .

1. Civil and possible criminal actoion against you or ebay. As I knowingly didn't complete this transaction. I was not appraised of shipping charges . Their was no final payment thru pay pal or any credit card .

2. As I am not purchasing the item I will not be held liable for any item shipped to me without my consent .

3. Any harrasing action taken against me including forcible accepting me the shipment and forcing me to pay or spoiling my credit histoiry will be legally contested and appropriate charges will be sent to you for such litigation. Same applie to any attempts to forcibly charging any of my financial institution .

Feel free to email me for additional questions or concerns ."

We would normally request to mutually cancel, as most people are reasonable. There was really no need to be so blatantly rude over their own mistake.

They should get the unpaid item strike and a neutral or negative feedback but unprofessional? However, on the flipside if mutually cancelled, how will other people know to star clear of them? Don't like being on the fence, any advice?

Thank you!!!

Message 1 of 13
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File an UID, if they do not respond they can't leave feedback. If they do respond they still may not be able to leave feedback OR you can have it removed (I'm not clear on the new rules that apply to buyers who have registered for less than 90 days).

You "buyer" is obviously a nutbar! Try just the UID and strike and don't worry about the feedback. Main thing is to NOT even reply to the emails.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 2 of 13
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I'd like to read your email sent to him demanding payment to see why he got so defensive.

Message 3 of 13
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Community Member
Thanks recped, we appreciate your opinion. Figured the UID was the best solution.

grade_a_consignments, the only communication that was sent to the buyer from us was one invoice through eBay. It stated payments required within 5 days and our accepted payment methods. If that's offensive, then they shouldn't buy online!

The buyer clearly did not read the listing, purchased the item and then was not happy with cost of shipping once they received the invoice. Guess they would have us in court if we had adjusted our shipping rates with the 2006 CPC increase.
Message 4 of 13
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Community Member
Same thing has happened to us a few times. I clearly at the end of each listing ask people to ask questions before bidding. Also it usually will give them a freight charge in my freight section or at least ask them to contact us for a rate. Yet they still buy and then complain about freight charges and want to back out of the purchase. In your case you seem to have done all the right things you just have to chalk it up to be a bad buyer and experience that will most likely happen again if you continue to sell. It is frustrating I know but in a day or so it will be a thing of the past. Move on!
Message 5 of 13
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Don't even concern yourself with their threat to sue. A lot of people say that, thinking they are being intimidating. I used to own a computer store and when people threatened to sue I informed them that if they lose they would be required to pay my wages for the day in court and the cost of preparing the documents for the case, and the court costs, which could total as much as $200.00 or so. Only one in 10 years took me to court and we won the case.

Message 6 of 13
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This sounds like two things here...1)immediate buyer's remorse (which leads to a NPB) and 2)a total nut-ball, trying to cause trouble.

In nearly 6 years of selling on-line, I have never had so many non-paying bidders as I have in the year of 2005. I haven't changed anything (such as policies) so it's not me...it's all those weirdos out there who are still allowed to remain on ebay despite their strikes and negs and neutral feddback.

I have to guess that last year I had about a 15% non-paying bidder rate per month. That's horrible, but some months it was worse! And what can you do? Some of them you never hear from at all, some say they will send payment and never do, and others make up crazy stories and things (like what happened with sportsandsuch's buyer). The non-responding ones I am used to, but the screwballs still get me worried or angry from time to time.

I WISH I could do more, but, all you can do is to file and get your fees back, re-list the item, block that buyer from bidding on your stuff again, and give them negative feedback (or just ignore them if you highly suspect retaliatory feedback)
Message 7 of 13
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Community Member
What the heck was that buyer going on about? I saw this clearly in the auction:

Shipping to the USA via Canada Post surface parcel will be $8.00, via Canada Post air parcel will be $10.50.

Shipping to International destinations via Canada post surface parcel will be $10.50. (Approx 8 weeks for delivery.)

Shipping to Canada varies by province and postal code. Rates range between $5.25-$10.00. For an accurate quote please contact us with your province and postal code.

So where does I was not told about excessive shipping charges come from?? Sounds like they've been hanging out on one of the buying boards where everyone complains about sellers.

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 8 of 13
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Don't worry about lawsuit - as someone else said, it would cost them more to do it than it would be worth. I wouldn't bother shipping it, just file the NPB alert. (you could ask if he's willing to cover the fees though). Just file the NPB alert and put everything through EBAY so EBay can see what is transpiring. Also, put in the alert that the shipping fees were clearly shown. Chances are that EBAY will remove any negative he leaves you if he cannot provide proof of payment.(EBay recenly changes their policies) Good Luck!
Message 9 of 13
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I had a dude like that a couple of weeks ago. He had one feedback and bid on two of my items then immediatly asked me to cancel the bids. He felt that the $10.00 for shiping a 6X6X6 inch parcel (expedited) was too much. I even lowered the shipping costs to accomodate both items in one box to save on shipping and he didn't want to pay. We ended up cancelling it through ebay so I didn't have to pay the $7.40. It was pretty rough for a few days, abusive emails and such. But lately, we've been emailing back and forth in a friendly manner. He deals with VoiP and that's my 'real' job during the day so we help each other out with technical questions.
I guess when you get lemons.. you make lemonade right?
Message 10 of 13
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That's funny selltoronto_com, I had an experience like that too in November. I guy in Alberta bought a book from me, then almost immediately after buying it started emailing me (what I considered to be) rude and abusive emails, telling me I was ripping him off in shipping, and he was going to sue me and yadda-yadda (and yes, it was actual shipping plus 50 cents for the packaging)

I was so taken aback...I wanted to blast him back, but instead I was super-duper-nicey-nicey, and just wrote another email, acting as if he was "developmentally challenged", and spelled everything out very simply. I thought it might make him madder, but actually thought it was quite amusing, and congratualted me on (get this!) "passing his test" and told me he admired my customer service skills.

I was having a freaking heart attack, and he was "testing" me! Anyway, after that he was so nice to email back and forth to...like old friends! Weird! 😛
Message 11 of 13
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"Chances are that EBAY will remove any negative he leaves you if he cannot provide proof of payment.(EBay recenly changes their policies)"

This is NOT correct information. If a bidder does not respond to a UPI dispute and leaves a negative, the remark will stay on the seller's record but the rating will be removed. If a bidder is NARU'd within 90 days of registering on eBay all feedback left by them is removed. All feedback means just that, all feedback; positive, negative and neutrals.

There has never been a policy where eBay removes feedback from bidders who can't provide proof of payment.

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction
Message 12 of 13
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Community Member

OK now- Deep breath..........WAIT............

Then SCREAM !!!!!!

This is likely the result of eBay's NEW advertising campaign.

Buyers with no understanding, and unrealistic expectations are able to "come aboard", and do as they think they can please.

As a seller in Canada, shipping most of our items to the US- HIGHER shipping costs, and postal delays are a reality !

Try responding to a buyer who purchases, and pays for an item on THURSDAY, before a Holiday Friday weekend- and e-mails on MONDAY asking "WHERE ARE MY CARDS !!!!"

In your case, file the non-paying bidder alert.
Wait for their response.
File for end value fees- as they have no intention on paying.
Wait for the NEGATIVE FEEDBACK, which you will likely respond to in kind.
THEN- TAKE A DEEP BREATH- and realize that life goes on, and it's far to short sweat the little things- no matter how likely more inevitable they will become.
And remember to blame eBay for making it easier for people who have no business buying on line- to think "it" is the right thing to do!

Would threatening the buyer with a lawsuit for potential damages to your business, and reputation help?
After all, you have incurred REAL expenses, as well as time in listing the item, and the lost opportunity.
Maybe pointing out to a "litigious" American YOUR rights in this matter, may make you feel better.
Message 13 of 13
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