DVD's Sold From Asia

I often search for DVD's on eBay.  I've noticed recently that there are lots of DVD's being sold by Korean and other Asian sellers, both new releases and older movies.  The description indicates they are English Region 0 (which are supposed to play everywhere) but do have some Asian printing on the covers.  Their buyers are from all over the world including North America.


I prefer to buy, first, from Canadian sellers, and second from the U.S and I don't want other than English and French on the cover.  But I was curious to know whether this is affecting sales of DVD's by Canadian sellers.   I only checked a couple of the sellers who have some negative feedback related to "fake" copies or non-receipt.


brandeentertainment -- care to weigh in?

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Re: DVD's Sold From Asia

I personally think it has very little effect on our sales on Canadian sellers . Specifically me because I mostly sell blu rays but in General because you like many other are very specific about what they want. Only English on cover .. English and French on Cover.. Etc..


However there are many people like me who will buy the best deal no matter where or who but movies are a different story I personally by mostly Canadian and some us but I leave movies from any other countries where they are .. I have even found movies from places such as U.K.are even cheaper looking then Canadian and US and I have only ever bought 1 DVD from korea and it was budget looking but not fake  .. 1 from China and 1 from Asia they were bootlegs..


i think all in all it will affect some people's sales but the majority will like me stick with what they know but then Again i once reported and watch a huge disney dvd knock off scam on ebay that 100's of people fell for it so i guess i am just speculating and maybe in this day and age saving $1 will over power quality but real collectors will never touch any of those.


May sales are good this month but i actually had the worse month i have ever had 2 months ago so it's hard to say maybe it is affecting me more then i think because having less sales this time a year then i did 2 years ago with about 1/20 the stock tell me something is affecting my sales .. Ebay,Economy.Netflix maybe all of the above and then some.


i would buy movies from korea but never Asia,China,Hong Kong,Japan .... IF the price is too good to be true then it probaably is unless it is an auction ....


There is actually a Very very goodwebsite from China to buy knock off Disney movies and I actually bought a lot of 10 just to see and they easily fooled me and were $2.30 each for any disney DVD .. I just kept the cases and shot out the movies but I had to check..


most buyers I would think would keep it Canadian or US  for the most part some may try Asian movies but like me would never do it again

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Re: DVD's Sold From Asia

Thanks for your detailed response. I'm glad you're doing well and seem not to be affected by this.


When I said I liked only English and French, I meant English but if it was bilingual English and French, that was okay too. I like to support Canadian sellers whenever possible, but if there is a significant saving, then I'll buy from the U.S. I like a lot of the BBC productions and they tend to be more expensive, so I really have to shop around when it comes to the British programs.


I have a huge DVD collection that I look at every day and wonder whether to sell off. It's taken me a long time to accumulate all my favourite movies and TV shows but, really, there is no way in the world I'll have time to re-watch most of them and, in the near future, DVD's are probably going to go the way of the VHS tapes.  I don't want to get rid of them if I'm only going to get a couple of dollars for them.  I'll hang on to them and watch them in my old age, which has already begun LOL, and if I have to compete with Korean sellers, I'll end up getting frustrated.


I've been curious about the Asian sellers for a while now and I appreciate the info.


BTW, if I use "Rich Text", my messages are always altered because evidently I'm using unacceptable HTML (which I don't even understand and never knowingly use).  If I use HTML, then there are no paragraph breaks when I post.  Since the new boards were designed, I'm really having trouble in this respect.  AND when you're in Preview mode, how do you edit?

Message 3 of 9
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Re: DVD's Sold From Asia

@jt-libra wrote:


BTW, if I use "Rich Text", my messages are always altered because evidently I'm using unacceptable HTML (which I don't even understand and never knowingly use).  If I use HTML, then there are no paragraph breaks when I post.  Since the new boards were designed, I'm really having trouble in this respect.  AND when you're in Preview mode, how do you edit?

Apart from that last paragraph (Boldface AND italics AND underlined?!  :D) your post looked fine on my browser.


I occassionally get "invalid HTML" errors with my posts, too.  Some of them seem to be bogus or else the HTML editor has somehow reformatted my supposedly errant post to look pretty much as I intended and made a stink of it in the process.

If you're composing your post in the HTML editor, you need to make sure to insert a <p> (paragraph) or a <br> (break) tag to break up your posts into paragraphs.  Experiment to see what works best with your browser.


You cannot edit text in "preview" mode.  It's there to show you what your post will look like before you commit to posting it.

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Re: DVD's Sold From Asia

Smiley Happy  I wanted that last para to stand out because it had nothing to do with the original post.


Once in preview mode, I can't get it back to its original state to edit.  On the old board, there was an edit button and you were returned to your original post.  But now I either post it or lose it.


It never occurred to me that it was a browser issue.  Maybe I should post on Firefox rather than IE.



Message 5 of 9
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Re: DVD's Sold From Asia

@jt-libra wrote:

Smiley Happy  I wanted that last para to stand out because it had nothing to do with the original post.


Once in preview mode, I can't get it back to its original state to edit.  On the old board, there was an edit button and you were returned to your original post.  But now I either post it or lose it.


It never occurred to me that it was a browser issue.  Maybe I should post on Firefox rather than IE.



Are you saying that you can't click on the "Rich Text" or "HTML" tabs after clicking the "Preview" tab? For what it's worth, I use Firefox and I periodically have issues with the text composition box freezing up.
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Re: DVD's Sold From Asia

I'm good now, thanks. I switched to Firefox for posting. I'm still using IE 8 because it's the only version that will allow me to edit my eBay descriptions properly, but it does have its limitations. Versions 9 and 10 wouldn't allow me to cut and paste. It was very time consuming. (I use IE for one User ID and Firefox for the other, so I don't have to keep logging in and out.)
Message 7 of 9
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Re: DVD's Sold From Asia

Not applicable

I did supported the Canadian sellers when I bought the Disney DVDs, only to find out they are fakes and these sellers claimed they bought from USA.  So it is really hard to know which sellers are selling the real ones lately.

Message 8 of 9
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Re: DVD's Sold From Asia

Yeah disney dvd's are bootlegged like crazy.. I will only buy the blu ray combo pak versions because of this. If you buy disney DVD's and not blu ray I would honestly say your best chance of getting the real deal is buying from disney because there is a huge bootleg market in the Us coming from china and for sure making it's way into Canada .. i reported many sellers and tried for months to get ebay to see but basically i had to order one and get a professional to say it was bootlegged and i was not going that far out of my way ..It's a shame ebay couldn't just get someone to look into instead of trying to get me to do all the leg work

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