Desperately need a new service provider

Community Member
Hi All,

I have been using JCS (Jason's Computer Services) to host my URL and store my pics for the past 3 years. For the second time this year the server is down. I can't get any e-mail and my pics are not showing. It's time to move on.

I'm looking for referrals for a good (100% UPTIME) provider who can help me develop an off-ebay site complete with a shopping cart.

I DO want a company with good customer service. Someone at least needs to answer the phone when your site is down! I DO NOT want a site that won't host my site under my own URL. Nor do I want one that will charge me by the sale $ rather than the usage.

If anyone has any good recommendations, I'd be pleased to check them out and use you as a referral.



Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


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Desperately need a new service provider

I would highly recommend netFIRMS.CA we recently switched over and everthing is nice and smooth plus they offer 24HR support. Cost is peanuts for just picture hosting.

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Desperately need a new service provider

I'm not sure if this will fit the bill, but I use a company called who provide a basic store set-up with categories, cart, Paypal payments etc - much like your eBay store. It is marketed towards bookstore owners (they offer a couple things like ISBN upload services for booksellers) but there is no reason why the template should not be used for selling anything. Hosting fee is US$9.95/month, actual space/email etc is provided by GoDaddy, who are rock solid. Check my store - being HTML challenged, I use one of the supplied templates, but I believe you can design your own storefront. Need more info, just email.

Ann Ann

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Desperately need a new service provider


You might want to have a look at a company called
My wife set up a site about 4 months ago and they've been great.Inexpensive and you wouldn't know it from the service. We generally get help by e-mail
Their Canadian but their customer response centre is in India I believe.

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Desperately need a new service provider

You likely won't get 100% uptime with any provider, due to the random denial-of-service attacks that all providers get hit with from time to time.

However, two providers I use are very consistent and easy to contact:

Both U.S.-based but I have discovered I prefer stability and customer service over devotion to Canadian business.
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Desperately need a new service provider

I switched to about 3 years ago and have never regretted it.
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Desperately need a new service provider

Community Member
I recommend

they have free picture hosting for small business and large storage capacity of sellers listing lots of pictures and large pictures. All my listings are hosted by them and I have not had any problems. The price for the latter service is also reasonable especially if you are the type that likes high resolution pictures to showcase your products. Mind you, if you do use their service I would copyright watermarks.
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Desperately need a new service provider

Community Member
Thanks for the referrals. I'll be checking them all out. :)

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


Message 8 of 13
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Desperately need a new service provider

Monique, keep in mind the amount of BANDWIDTH you will need and/or generate since the smaller providers have limited/capped bandwidth.

We had to switch from our last local small provider because toward the end of last month our bandwidth usage (20GB) far exceed what they had alloted to them for the enire month and as a result we were not able to post for about day and a half plus it caused their entire client base to be shutdown too. Needless to say they were not happy with us.
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Desperately need a new service provider

Community Member
I use Roger Wheatley for all my websites. He's got very quick responses via online tickets that you can post on around the clock and rate the urgency and is very knowledgeable about all aspects of online marketing.

Not sure if he'd be exactly what you're looking for but thought he might be worth mentioning. He also does seminars at our local small business centre and has always had good stuff.
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Desperately need a new service provider, love it
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Desperately need a new service provider

Community Member

I would reccommend

Their service is reliable, great customer support and scalable pricing based on your storage requirements.

Vancouver Wholesale
Message 12 of 13
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Desperately need a new service provider

Community Member

5g for 5 bucks

plus free upload gallery
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