I have a store, how can I make a Store Policies Page?

Community Member
I would like to anchor a store policies page on the top of my store. I have been looking and looking, but still have never found where to do it. Is it just another custom page?

Can anyone help? It is probably right there in front of me...but I can't find it!?:|
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I have a store, how can I make a Store Policies Page?

Community Member
You would have to put it in the Store Header section. You can access it here:

Seller manage store -->
Display Settings -->
Change (under Store Header Display) -->
Choose "Yes" --> enter HTML in box provided or use the HTML editor.



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I have a store, how can I make a Store Policies Page?

Community Member
I want a link to a Policies page like this seller has:

I can't see how to add that...maybe it is a featured store thing. It is driving me crazy!

Monique...I just looked at your store...I want it listed across the top similar to yours. ARGGGGGGGGGG!
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I have a store, how can I make a Store Policies Page?

Community Member
Ohhhhh, I have one of those.

Seller manage store -->
Custom Pages -->
Create New Page

If you have any problems, let me know. Happy to help.



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