Hi Everyone,
As promised, here are answers to the questions that were asked at the Vancouver Customer Support Centre last week.
Q: As a seller, it would be great to get information on my auction “watchers?” I would like to send watchers a Second Chance Offer, shipping discount, or marketing information or a “Bid Already!” note
A: Thank you for the suggestion! It’s great to hear interesting ideas from the Community. Please keep the great ideas coming – and we’ll do our best to see which ones we can make happen.
Q: How can we use the eBay name and logo?
A: Here is a link to the guidelines for use of the eBay name and logo: http://pages.ebay.ca/help/policies/everyone-ebayipuse.html
Q: Are Canadian sellers prejudiced in any way because they are “legacy users?” (e.g. registered on .com)?
A: Canadian sellers are not prejudiced in any way because they are legacy users – in other words, they are now always eligible.
Q: Regarding eBay Live Auctions – why are “buyer premiums” not consistently applied? Do you have more details on eBay Live Auctions?
A: Here is a link to the eBay Live Auctions information: http://pages.ebay.com/liveauctions/help/welcome/overview.html
Q: Does item location geography come into the completed search parameters?
A: If we understand your question, you can run any search as a completed search, including all advanced search features.
Q: How can I program HTML into my listings? Is there a link to include?
A: There is a tab in the Sell Your Item form - click on it and you can enter html (default is real text mode). There's also an HTML help page located at http://pages.ebay.ca/help/specialtysites/stores-html-tips.html
Q: What sort of checks and balances will be in place when we integrate Skype into the eBay site?
A: When more information on Skype is available, we will be sure to let our Community know.
Q: Can eBay set up a “mock auction” to let newbies practice bidding and buying when they register?
A: Yes, there is a good 'Practice Bid' tool that lets a newbie learn about proxy bidding without having to worry about paying for anything. It's located at http://pages.ebay.com/education/tutorial/course1/bidding/index.html.
Q: Would it be possible to receive more than 48 hours notice on eBay pricing promotions?
A: Thank you for the suggestion – it’s one we’ve heard a number of times before, but for the time being, the notice time on promotions will remain the same.
Q: Can eBay standardize the end time for pricing promotions? (e.g. 9, 10, or 11 p.m. PT; not 9 p.m. ET).
A: Hi – If I understand your question – please note that all pricing promotions have most always had a consistent start and end time which is 00:00:01 ET until 23:59:59 ET.
Q: Shipping prices that appear on .com listings have hurt sales.
A: We appreciate your comment and know this is an issue. We are discussing this and seeing if this is something that can be addressed. We will keep our Community posted.
Q: The explanation for Re-list fees is not clear and needs clarifying
A: Another great suggestion. Please leave this one with us and we’ll let you know when we have been able to clarify the description around re-listing fees.
Q: Can eBay develop a “watchers counter” to appear on a listing so it is available for everyone to see?
A: Great idea! We’ll take it into consideration.
Q: Could you please provide the link to ProStores?
A: Here is the link to ProStores: http://www.prostores.com/ Here is the link to some frequently asked questions about ProStores: http://pages.ebay.com/help/announcement/20.html?ssPageName=CMDV:AB