Would you please consider pinning at the top of each of the help boards an easy-to-understand thread on
How to Post Questions. It should be short and to-the-point so that most people will read it. For example:
1. Start your own thread by clicking on Post a Topic. If you just tack your question onto the end of someone else’s thread, it won’t be noticed by many of those who could help.
2. Never post another party’s User ID, actual name, or contact information such as e-mail address or actual address.
[Explanation: most people have not read the detailed rules about posting--they don’t even know where to find them--and several times a week we have to explain this to people and tell them how to self-report their posts to avoid being sanctioned. Lately we’ve had quite a few angry buyers come onto the boards to rant about their sellers and "don't buy from so-and-so". Most of them post the sellers' User ID's, and yes, some of them even post names, addresses, etc.]
3. If you have a question about a specific auction, put the auction number in the body of your post (but not in the title of your thread).
[Explanation: I don’t know how many times people ask us about auctions that are over a month old--which we cannot access--or else seem to want us to play Guess-The-Auction with coy hints about which of their several purchases they need help with.]
4. If your problem concerns a purchase, mention how you paid for it (credit card through PayPal, money order, etc.)
[Explanation: people often don’t realize that this is often pertinent information we need to know before we can offer advice, and many times our first responding post will be “What is the auction number and how did you pay?”].
5. For detailed information on Board Posting Policies, click this link: