We have had a eBay store for just over a year now. The business has been going for eighteen years now. We have been using eBay as an extension of our advertising program. That being said we are happy with our experience on eBay, and with the people that we have dealt with. Maybe it is the lowered expectations that we have from dealing with the public previously.
I have one question for eBay, would it be possible to get announcements email to us the day before and event, not the day of the event?
It is a small issue, but it just would make things a little easier.
I have been reading these discussion boards lately, and I would like to make a couple of comments.
If you think that sellers fees and listing fees are high, look at the commercial rents in your area. Then look at how much yellow pages listings are, etc, etc, etc.
Compare the difference between the discount that credit card companies charge business with accounts to take them, to the fees that paypal charges. Not a lot of differnce, and that is without the additional bank fees.
As far as taxes and shipping go, welcome to the business world.