Dsr Is not that bad if you figure out ways to be its friend .

Community Member
Dsr can be a real pain here are a few ways i work around it myself personally without really lowering S/H costs . (thats the only one i have an issue with avarage 4.7-4.8 with everything else)

Send Notes in with packages (works Killer Brought me from a 4.47 to a 4.67 ....

Free ship worthless items start at 0.01 penny . I do this i sell at least 50-100 free ship items a week (i lose 1.00 per item but that ok)

Opening Disputes with buyers (send more Mutual's) I used to just send npr but now i send about 50% mutuals ... 90% dont leave neggy over getting a strike for not paying but those 10% do and there jerks about it Leave all 1 stars also .

Another idea which im putting into action is i just bought a Gerber edge fx to make labels/bumper stickers / stickers / Skins Ect . (cost was around 20k cnd)
I will charge actual / free ship I will make 1.00-2.00 an item and mass list them (1000+ designs in store should sell 50-80 per day if listed correctly with right designs)

This will intern allow me to raise shipping charges on all the rest of my "good" stuff .

My biggest issue is cnd buyers not usa buyers .> there still pissy about the usd dollar being so high ...

Oh well just a few idea's for those of you who struggle with dsr ship costs ..

I maintain mine at a happy 4.6 average Good enough im happy with it 😄
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Dsr Is not that bad if you figure out ways to be its friend .

Well I got my shipping and handling DSR to 4.94.

I used to send a separate letter with each purchase I DO NOT do that anymore, it was just a waste of time and money. All I do now is say thanks on the packing slip.

I also do alot of FREE SHIPPING (or better known as shipping included, I do this with all my smaller items) which I indicate on my packing slip in BIG LETTERS.

Since then my S&H score has skyrocketed.

Have a great day!! :-x
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Dsr Is not that bad if you figure out ways to be its friend .

Community Member
Ya thats Really good . Id be happy with 4.7 😄 . Some areas its really hard to keep dsr up high . If you go check people selling pocket bikes / dirt bikes ect they have awful Dsr in shipping like 4 .

I only offer a little stuff free shipping . I really dont like it that ebay has to twists sellers arms to offer free shipping so they can rake in the fee's extra . Really they should give seller maybe free listing credit if they want to REALLY help buyers buy at a cheaper rate 😄

For me whats really helped is begging ppl to leave me higher dsr . I did a test and i did it for 1 month and then quit for a month . The month i did it i went out to 4.67 and 1 month later i did them with out and it went down to 4.56 . So really seems to help .
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Dsr Is not that bad if you figure out ways to be its friend .

Last month I received a 20% discount for my DSR ratings.
This month I was on track for the same. I checked on March 30th at they were all currently high and higher than the 30 days eBay average.

Yesterday evening I checked to see what discount I got and eBay gave me only 5%.

I checked my 30 day DSRs and as of today they quality for the 15% discount.

So in the time between the afternoon of March 30th and end of day March 31st -- my DSR apparently plummeted enough to drop me down to only a 5% discount but miraculously recovered the next day.

And gee there is no way you can verify what DSR's are/were on any certain day.

Call me skeptical, but I get the feeling eBay manipulated by DSR's in order to give me less of a discount.
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Dsr Is not that bad if you figure out ways to be its friend .

I will no longer worry about my DSR, its beyond my control. Same day shipping and shipping charges BELOW actual cost is not enough so from here on I will raise my shipping charges $1-$2 per item and I will have more money in pocket than the discount eBay ?MIGHT??? have given me.
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Dsr Is not that bad if you figure out ways to be its friend .

So in the time between the afternoon of March 30th and end of day March 31st

One problem with your theory.....March 23/24 was the day the snapshot was taken.

In your Dashboard, click on "See how eBay calculates your discount." and then mouse over "see details" for a pop-up which tells you the exact date and time the snapshot was taken and what your ratings were at that time.

For every seller who claims eBay manipulated the numbers there is another seller who got a discount they only qualified for a few days out of the month. I got 20% in January and I only qualified on 3 days out of the whole month, just a fluke one of them was snapshot day.

The snapshot is always taken between the 23rd and 27th of the month and usually on whichever day is also a Monday or Tuesday. It's NEVER done on the 30th or 31st.

For Sellers with a 15th of the month billing date the same applies but the snapshot days of course are different (8th to 13th I think).

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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Dsr Is not that bad if you figure out ways to be its friend .

Community Member
Best thing to do is send letter begging for full 5 stars and letting your buyers know what ebay does and what real fee charges are .

I know mine run around 15% average w/ebay / paypal and i dont even do many BIN listings ... I would but only about 20% sell and i dont have time to play around with re listing to get my credit . i just list new ones .

Selling in CND dollars is also a wrenched idea unless dollar is par ... Gosh i did that now for a week bet i lost 1000.00 in profit . Usa buyers have very little clue what that C means besides the price .
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Dsr Is not that bad if you figure out ways to be its friend .

Community Member
lol Yeah I just thought of that a couple weeks ago. And I even made bids on a couple of your pennies just to raise my feedbacks after someone left me a negative without contacting me.

I still have a lot to learn as I've just taken a $700USD hit today. I just qualified for gold power seller today as well and would like to try and keep it. Can you tell me what is npr? I noticed that buyers are pretty much indestructible so it would be nice to find ways to cushion my feedbacks as well as my shrinking little wallet.
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