Freedom of speech relates to your freedom to speak and express your opinion in public places, especially to protect journalists so they cannot be charged for speaking. Not to writing on eBay board.
As everybody noticed, this freedom has been forfeit in some countries and people have been arrested for publicly expressing their opinion (e.g. the T-shirt with "Give piece a chance" worn in public has resulted in arrest).
What's worse, there are apparently people in some countries who have been denied the basic right to trial as the administration of that country is allowed to lock people away for life without needing to explain why and without granting the right for trial. When you think about this one, the freedom of speech seems somewhat insignificant.
A lot changed during last few years. The next thing ... we will start seeing agents with license to kill. Fighting for freedom to speak will look ironic when we will scared of loosing life because some agent with license needs our seat at the game.