Ebay 2014 is a well-established two-tiered system of dealers and individuals. Maybe separate?

It seems like in the old days few dealers were on the site.  It was composed mostly of individuals and lots of great deals were there in abundance.  There were lots of bidding wars and it was generally fun and somewhat unpredictable.  A great deal could be had.  Nowadays, there are a plethora of dealers on board (which is great) but I often wish to search just the individualsellers that don't post dozens or hundreds of items without having to create a lengthy search string.  Is it possible (and maybe unfair?) to identify sellers who have say more than a cartain number of items in a specific area or to even have stores have an opportunity to identify themselves as dealers/stores. as they can maybe benefit from their status.  I like to buy from both personally but my expectations of findings deals comes from individuals and my expectation of selection comes from the delers/stores. Is there a way to have a term to make such a search easier?  Would anyone use it?  MV

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Ebay 2014 is a well-established two-tiered system of dealers and individuals. Maybe separate?

I'm not sure what you mean by "dealers' and "individuals".

Many quite large sellers are in reality "mom and pop' operations. (Actually pierrelebel one of the oldtime gurus here was just a 'pop' operation, with no staff at all).


Then there are sellers like myself who have eBay Stores, because we have slowmoving merchandise. We can be one woman operations too.


And there are dropshippers, who single sellers often very small time, who are fronting for giant Asian enterprises who actually package ship, describe and photograph for them.


If you are having problems wading through thousands of items to find the right stuff at the right price, try changing your Search to Highest Price First or Highest Price + Shipping First.  it is easier to drill down through dozens of listings than to drill up through thousands.

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