12-19-2016 10:28 PM
Has eBay changed the layout of auctions where i can't see the ad i designed but instead it shows a box that other people also looked at.
Are they taking away the capability to design your own ad ?
12-19-2016 10:47 PM - edited 12-19-2016 10:48 PM
The Item Description is below that now. Scroll downward. As to the 'reason'? Well, it has to do with Artificial Intelligence and ebay machine learning what buyers want to buy before buyers know it. Or so we sellers are told.
Oh, and certain categories are worse for it than others. Yours is one of the most blatant.
12-19-2016 10:57 PM
Thanks for the explanation. Problem is now the ad i designed can't be seen at all. I want to list a boxing weekend special and it won't show up.
As far as i'm concerned they can shove their artificial non-intelligence you know where.
12-19-2016 11:00 PM
Why is the Item Number you're having trouble with? Maybe it's not about that box but something else. Are you using Active Content? ebay is getting rid of that.
12-19-2016 11:16 PM
Not using any active content. All my auctions are acting the same. If you click on my username it should take you to them. They don't show anything i designed.
12-19-2016 11:29 PM
As a follow up
If you look at http://www.ebay.ca/itm/132032386520?var=&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
You will see the attachment should look like this as can be seen here http://prntscr.com/dll4wy
Funny thing is that when i am in design mode it shows correctly but not when it's live.
I have about 9 auctions saved as a template and scheduled and they all look the same. No content that i designed.
12-19-2016 11:30 PM
What are they supposed to look like? Maybe your code is corrupted. Are you using a template? This is what I see:
12-19-2016 11:33 PM
I'm not a programmer but I think what you are talking about is active content. You're using a third-party provider, right? Maybe they're not compatible anymore.
12-19-2016 11:34 PM
Well now that is interesting, because that is not what i see.
They worked fine last week but not now. I tried on a computer with XP, win 7 32 bit and 64 bit and my android tablet and i can't get it to display properly. I can't imagine it would be my internet service.
12-19-2016 11:36 PM
I design my auctions in frontpage, always have and they worked fine until last weekend and today i am having problems, I am not using any active content. I don't use a third party provider.
12-19-2016 11:57 PM
I see many odd things at the bottom of your page when I view that screenshot that don't exist anywhere else on ebay. More were trying to load when I backed out.
12-19-2016 11:59 PM
Like I said, I'm not a programmer but even I can see something weird is going on there. There are many other Community members who are more literate than I who I am sure will be along shortly to offer possibilities for what you are experiencing. Best of luck to you.
12-20-2016 01:12 AM
Hi Mj
I do appreciate your help and it was enough to make me think there was something wrong on my end and indeed there is a problem with the network card in my desktop. As soon as i disconnect the card and go wireless everything works okay even on all my other computers in the house. Go figure.
Thanks again.
12-20-2016 08:41 AM
I'm happy I was able to help even my small way.