Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

I don't know whether to laugh or cry....makes me want to quit Ebay

I don't know whether to laugh or cry....makes me want to quit Ebay

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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......


We used the GSP for a while and knew what happened on the seller side, but not the buyer side. We put it all over that we would only use that, and had no idea how it worked on the buyer side.

And yes, there are people who also know about the GSP and how it works, but will not want to leave it even if it means to loose a few sales.


This is my POSTING id.
Message 21 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

@billybishop72 wrote:

If the Global Shipping Program is largely found in listings where the seller isn't aware that it isn't being offered--and I suspect that it is--those sales aren't being lost.  Those listings would not have had shipping offered to Canada in the first place.

So while you may see a "lost" sale, eBay and the seller would simply see business as usual.  The only sellers who are likely seeing their sales to locales outside of the US (or UK) drop because of the GSP are ones who have made a conscious decision to switch to the GSP without researching it first.


Your 'Ebay apologist' posts get annoying sometimes...this one is a stretch and and wrong on a couple of counts. The seller has always offered items to Canada...she just didn't know about the GSP prices until I explained to her what's going on without her knowledge. The sale was 'lost' for her...I was the only bidder...



A couple of points:


First, how on earth is this an "eBay apologist" post?  The reason why some sellers are using the GSP unknowingly is because eBay is opting into the program sellers who don't set their buyer preferences to block bids or purchases from users outside of the United States!  Where's the rah-rah-sis-boom-bah with that?

Second of all, you're comparing your specific experience to a general statement.  However, my observation about sellers who haven't done their research on the GSP are the ones losing international sales certainly seems to be true in your specific case.





Message 22 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

@reid4311 wrote:

That's not necessarily true. When I see a disc I want and it's listed as U.S. only I still send a polite request to reconsider and I'd say about 90% or more are only to glad to. A very few say no and fewer still don't even bother to answer.

I haven't browsed much on the .com site lately, but I haven't run across any listings that have the message "May not ship to Canada.  Contact seller..." blah blah blah.  These are listings where the seller hasn't set their preferences to block bids/purchases from users with a non-US shipping address.  

My understanding is that these listings are now automatically saddled with the GSP.

The listings you're encountering and referring to in your post are ones where the seller has set their preferences to block your bid or purchase.

Message 23 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

@winepress780 wrote:

There are sellers from the U.S. and U.K. who have GSP on their auctions and clearly/boldly state something like this in the description of their auctions:

I only ship to the U.S. I will not ship outside of the U.S. so please don't ask me to make an exception. Bless America. Smiley Indifferent

Yup.  Those sellers haven't figured out how to set their preferences to actually block bids or purchases from those with non-US shipping addresses, otherwise the GSP wouldn't have been added automatically to their listings.

Message 24 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

I've never had a bid blocked but I do give the listing a good going over. I've seen some that say U.S. only but then you scroll down and the seller will have added prices or please contact for rates for international buyers. Perhaps it's a matter of being computer literate? This week I contacted a U.S. only seller about a disc I wanted. He was only too happy to entertain my bid but didn't know how to change the listing to accept my bid (he had 155 transactions) but told me to go ahead so I did and my bid was excepted. I didn't  win but if I had all I'd have had to do would be to send a request for an invoice. He wasn't a GSP user. I've never been a seller so all I can say is IF there is a tab to block all sellers outside of your country then I've never run across anyone who's used it.

Message 25 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

@reid4311 wrote:

I've never had a bid blocked but I do give the listing a good going over. I've seen some that say U.S. only but then you scroll down and the seller will have added prices or please contact for rates for international buyers. Perhaps it's a matter of being computer literate? This week I contacted a U.S. only seller about a disc I wanted. He was only too happy to entertain my bid but didn't know how to change the listing to accept my bid (he had 155 transactions) but told me to go ahead so I did and my bid was excepted. I didn't  win but if I had all I'd have had to do would be to send a request for an invoice. He wasn't a GSP user. I've never been a seller so all I can say is IF there is a tab to block all sellers outside of your country then I've never run across anyone who's used it.

Are you searching listings with your phone, either by using an app or in a browser?

I found these two listings with my phone when searching the .com site with a browser.  Both of them say "Ships to: USA" in the header of the listing, but when they're viewed on my laptop's browser, they have somewhat different messages.






In the first listing, the seller has their "buyer requirements" ((link) set to block purchases from pesky Canajuns like us.  The seller of the second item hasn't done that, and the GSP bot hasn't caught up with them to add the program to the listing.


The listing numbers are 331819121909 and 322071441034 if you want to see if this information is different for you.

Message 26 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

I load them into my watch list from .com but view them later from my list in .ca using a p.c. and browser, no apps. I've seen the red lettering from a U.K. seller who will indeed ship to Canada, I've asked him but I must admit I've not tried to buy anything yet. In his case like what you've sent it says 'Does not ship to Canada' in red letters but beside the 'Ships to:' it lists many countries, Canada included! Confusing eh?    In the case of no.2 you can indeed buy whatever but then when you're done you'd need to send a request for an invoice.

Message 27 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

If you want to checkout the one I've mentioned go into and look for a cd titled 'Open For Business' by Moneymaker. I think the number is 272207527376

Message 28 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

@reid4311 wrote:

If you want to checkout the one I've mentioned go into and look for a cd titled 'Open For Business' by Moneymaker. I think the number is 272207527376

No dice, and I've tried three different browsers.

Message 29 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

Now that's odd! I doubt you'll get this but this sellers listings can only be seen in you could try advanced, click by seller then enter playbacksounds2015


By the way, I use chrome. 

Message 30 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

@reid4311 wrote:

Now that's odd! I doubt you'll get this but this sellers listings can only be seen in you could try advanced, click by seller then enter playbacksounds2015


By the way, I use chrome. 

I couldn't find that particular listing, but looking at a few of that seller's other listings I see that the shipping information seems to be a bit confusing.

The "Doesn't post to Canada" message shows up because even though the seller claims to ship "worldwide," they actually have a fairly extensive exclusion list, including trouble spots such as Liechtenstein and Vatican City.  "North America" is another one of the regions that's been excluded from the "worldwide" shipping!

Oh, and I use Chrome as well.  (Used to use Opera back in the day, for what it's worth.)

Message 31 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

After my last contact I went into U.K. and looked at his listings and like you couldn't find that disc even though it was in my watch list! I, like you, noticed we were in the excluded category so I went back to .ca and looked at the listing from a Canadian perspective. The information changed! From .ca it still said in those ugly red letters Doesn't ship to Canada, but beside the ships to: it says ships to Europe, Untied States, Japan, Australia and Canada (!). Now here's the confusion. Under exclusions it says North America, which last time I looked we were still part of. (another !). Since my interest was now piqued I tried to buy the disc. I clicked Buy It Now and got We notice a problem, please review your items. Under review your order it says in red letters This seller does not post to Canada, Please request total to ask seller for an exemption or change your address. I've got a couple of things to do but when I get back I'm going to contact the seller and see what's up. Since he's in Britain it may take a while for a response so stay tuned! Once I hear something / anything I'll be back and post it here.  

Message 32 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

including trouble spots such as Liechtenstein and Vatican City.


Well, to be fair, crime rates are highest among unmarried men.

Message 33 of 34
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Re: Global Shipping Program Is Ridiculous.......

I had a similar experience and ebay is NOT HELPFUL at all. So I bought something on ebay and it said clearly that shipping would be 12.07 Canadian. When I looked at what was charged  for shipping it was 20 dollars Canadian so I contacted the buyer. He said it was not him that charged but ebays Global Shipping. I said but YOU were the one advertising the price of shipping that was incorrect. He said contact ebay. STUPID CHANGES MAKE IT A BUREAUCRATIC nightmare getting any help. Now you cant just open a case you have to call. So I waited and waited. The first guy was openly rude and unhelpful and said it was the seller and nothing to do with ebay. He sent me to billing and the guy tried to make excuses about why it was 20 and not 12 which half of what he said made no logical sense. He told me I paid 19 dollars when it was 20 and tried to tell me import charges were 8 dollars on a 20 dollar item that they just tacked on without telling me. It didn't say anywhere on the website when I bought that they would do this. The guy then told me EBAY would call me within 2 days and nobody ever did. Instead of the seller or ebay taking responsibility they just keep pointing the finger at eachother. COME ON EBAY. You have sent me up the chain and passed me along to save 5 bucks American. I will not ever buy from ebay again. They have become a scam with the new way they run the show and their terrible Global Shipping Program which is super expensive. I would think for a multi billion dollar enterprise they would be more customer they used to be. NOT ANYMORE! BEWARE OF EXTRA SHIPPING, BUREAUCRATIC , AND THE RUN AROUND BLAME GAME FROM EBAY NOWADAYS!! I put in a complaint to the "non resolution centre" and they denied a refund with no explanation.

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