Got "Powerseller Programme Alert" email - legit?

I received a "Powerseller Programme Alert" email today. Is it legit because when I clicked the link I don't see any special notice for me (though I don't remember having to type username/password after signing in).

The link to "powerseller portal" points to

Dear josephine,

You are receiving this email regarding your PowerSeller status. For more information, please log in to the PowerSeller Portal and we will assist you from there.


Your eBay PowerSeller Team
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Got "Powerseller Programme Alert" email - legit?

Community Member
There was an earlier thread on this. A number of us got them and the links didnt take you anywhere but some people lost their PS status or were downgraded, and some were promoted to the next level.

I received a similar one last spring when I was downgraded from a silver to a bronze.

I drove my sales up this time and kept my PS status or I assume I would have been given the boot.

There is a real glitch with eBay Canada and with these types of automated messages because they dont lead anywhere to tell you what is up with your status and what changes are being proposed however they do appear to be legitimate.

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Got "Powerseller Programme Alert" email - legit?

Thanks, that makes sense. Guess we Canadians must be pretty low on the priority list 😞
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Got "Powerseller Programme Alert" email - legit?

Community Member
You cant go much lower on the totem pole as far as I have learned.

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