03-29-2014 06:12 PM
After having gone through the Industry Canada codes, I've determined I may be dealing with a potential of 63 to 65 different HS codes depending on the items I am selling. Oh joy.
However, one code I just can't seem to find is for digital images or text on CD (but not movies, games or other commercial products). I can't even seem to find a general category for such products. Computer bits and pieces are under "Chemical Products", but this doesn't apply to my items. I'd appreciate any help with this before I'm stuck trying to do a Paypal label for an item with no code.
P.S. I expect there are going to be lots of these "Help with HS Code" posts from now on.
03-29-2014 07:41 PM
Hi rose, can't help you with the CD but can you use 630900 - Worn clothing and other worn articles for all your Vintage items?
03-29-2014 08:50 PM
Rose-dee, during my search for HS code information, I came across this:
For HS code enquiries, please send an e-mail to export@statcan.gc.ca and in the subject field enter: SC–HS request. In the text please detail the commodity for which you require an HS code and we will respond as soon as possible.
Hopefully this helps.
03-29-2014 08:51 PM
03-30-2014 12:14 PM
Thanks so much 'jt' !! It never occurred to me to look for a "help" link on the Industry Canada site while I was there. I'm going to check that, and if I can't find anything on that website, I'll try the StatsCan info email you mentioned.
I think I deserve a "duhhh" for this one!! Thanks again for your help!
03-30-2014 01:09 PM
Rose, 852340 may be what you are looking for, it covers a wide variety of discs, tapes, storage devices for data, which is essentially what you are describing.
03-30-2014 04:53 PM
Thanks 'maggie' -- it sounds as if that code would do the trick. I'll check this out on the Industry Canada site, but failing anything better, I'll use it. In my case, it isn't the CD itself that's the valuable item, but the contents, so it doesn't fit into any neat and tidy manufacturing slot.
03-30-2014 06:38 PM
Customs doesn't really care about the content as long as it is legal. The whole process of customs codes was set up for protection of industries by applying tariffs and other taxes, so it is based on material content, not intellectual content.