Hey Glenda......

Community Member
It's nice enough here in Northern Ontario to play golf today too!!!!! That is if you can find the course under the four feet of snow....


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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Honestly Jeff, I don't know how a golfer can exist in that kind of climate!! It's MAY for heaven's sake!!!! By the time you stop getting snow, it's going to be too hot to be out on the course after noon ... well, you have my total sympathy (but I sure don't understand why you put up with it when there are better climates in the country).



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Message 41 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Weather is still real crappy here........ and it is affecting our play like no ones business......

So Glenda, ya got a spare bedroom out there that a poor broke golf pro can move into and play golf with you and your hubby 12 months of the year!!!!!!!

Message 42 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Jeff, you might have to share it with our daughter and her hubby occasionally, not to mention our eBay cra.. (oops, swell merchandise) but, it's there and we guarantee clean sheets once a month whether you need them or not! AND ... golfing weather year-round!


PS -- Our rates are reasonable! Help correcting a slice will probably do it!!


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Message 43 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Bad weather in North Bay. We hit 30C on Friday and were at 29C Thursday. It has been unbearably hot here in Ottawa with tons of sunshine.

Today is another glorius sunshiny day with a high of 25C.

Great day for me to finish getting my sailboat ready before she gets put into the water this coming Wednesday.

You guys can enjoy your golf but there is nothing greater than listening to the sails on your boat with a cool one in your hand and the sun shining on your brow.


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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Actually the weather was good here Wednesday and Thursday as well.... Friday was a little cooler, but then come Saturday, which is my bread and butter day this time of year, we had to put up with cooler and wetter weather.

Sun is shining today and it is pleasant, but the weather is really fickle and lacks any sense of consistency.

When the weatherman starts predicting rain and cold on Wednesday for the week-end it kills me.... (I hate weatherman).

Message 45 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Jeff, does that mean you can't correct a slice??



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Message 46 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
A slice I can fix..... 2 inches of rain, now that is another matter (that is how much rain we had last night...)

I think I will search Ebay for an ark.....

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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Boy, we could use some of that rain on Vancouver Island - and all of BC for that matter! (Does that sound ridiculous coming from the west coast rain forest climate?) They're warning us we could have another summer of forest fires if we don't get more rain soon -- I didn't think there was much left to burn, but ....

We drove through the Louis Creek/McClure fire area this spring on our way home from the Alberta shows and saw some of the aftermath of last summer's fires -- a really shocking sight but it's good to see the rebuilding that's going on. I just hope some of the businesses rebuild as well.

Jeff, I'll be hoping for better golf weather for you but if you don't get it soon, well .... one of us has a slice that needs fixing! 😞



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Message 48 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member

I hope you get rain too.... the forest fire situation through the West Coast was awful last year and although I only experienced it via TV and media, I can only imagine the havoc it brought to all in and near its path....

However to all residents of BC and elsewhere, should Mother Nature not provide you with the rain you need, feel free to bring your buckets, jugs, or just feel free to fill your pockets with ours as we have water everywhere.

Message 49 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Should we speak to Canada Post about a special rate for mailing rain-water???



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Message 50 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
More rain again today.....

Forecast for holiday weekend RAIN.


Just sign me your waterlogged friend......

Message 51 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
........... and we've got more sun and dry in our forecast! Our favorite course is already watering regularly (read daily) and we compete for early morning tee times so that we're finished before it gets too hot! There just ain't no justice!!

Today we had to convice a pair of Canada Geese that our ball wasn't one of their eggs that hadn't hatched yet! They're very protective of their goslings and when a ball goes near them, we have to approach it in pairs so that one of us can fend off the geese while the other whacks the ball!! Ain't wildlife great?

Glenda (from the very dry rainforest)


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Message 52 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
A good goose is a cooked goose..... Nice looking birds, but they crap all over the place..... I hate them.

Message 53 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Jeff, I don't even like them cooked! I'm not sure how this pair evaded our groundskeepers long enough to hatch their brood but they're the only geese on the course this year. Between their dog and the tractors, they've kept the geese on the run and the course is much better for it!

There's one very nice local course that we just won't play because they've let the geese have the run of the place. I don't want to have to wash crap off my clubs, my cart, and my shoes after every round!



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Message 54 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Another day of rain.....

I am going to change my user id to "wateruptomyassandmypocketsarefullofrocks.

And I think I am done with golf and going to open a Mushroom farm, they need wet, damp, cool conditions don't they?

Message 55 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Wotthe'ell Jeff! Mushrooms probably even like goose crap!! (but I bet they wobble when you try to putt with 'em and I'll be dam*ed if I'll buy winter gloves from a mushroom farmer ...)


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Message 56 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
PS -- it's raining here today as well, and we are really glad to see it, although I've invited a small gang for a bbq tomorrow and, if it's still raining, I don't have room in the house for everyone!! Could be in trouble ... 😞



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Message 57 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
The sun is shining today..... yippee......

Even though they forecast 100% rain throughout the Victoria Weekend.......

Message 58 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Hi ospreylinks

Do you (or anybody else) know where could I get boxes to fit Golf Clubs (Single clubs, mainly drivers). I got my hands on a few drivers that I will be selling, but I have not been able to find boxes (except for golfsmith at $17.99 for 6)

Thanks in advance !

Message 59 of 69
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Re: Hey Glenda......

Community Member
Mirakbiz, sorry I don't. We save our club boxes and re-use them to ship if sold on-line.

I use to have a few hundred of them kicking around that we probably could have spared a few, but unfortunately my supply is pretty small right now and I am hording what I have.....

In terms of buying them, again I never have so I don't even know a source.


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