08-28-2012 06:25 PM
08-29-2012 04:29 AM
It works by having you create a seller's account, read up on the dos and don'ts, post a listing, and mail the item to the buyer after you get paid. Here's a good place to begin poking around:
I know, I know, all that reading sounds boooorrriinng, - but to be a successful seller you will need to do a certain amount of reading on ebay's procedures and policies. Not to worry, - it's all explained in quick & easy language so it won't take you long to get started.
Happy selling. 🙂
08-29-2012 08:54 AM
08-29-2012 11:29 PM
To be a successful seller, you must read, read and then read someonre before you ever list your first time. It is of utmost importance that you know what you are doing before you do it. Too often, people are too impatient to read the policies and just jump into like jumping into a swimming before learning to swim. If you do not read and follow the rulles before listing, you'll end up with all sorts of problems. Many of the probelms new sellers face are preventable so please take the time to read everything regarding selling in the Customer Support section at the top of the screen.