Hilarious tracking information!

Not applicable

July 5, 2015, 10:28 pm,   Shipping Label created, Fontana, CA.


July 6, 2015, 11:21 pm,   Accepted at USPS Origin Sort Facility, Fontana, CA


July 7, 2015, 12:36 pm, Arrived at USPS Origin Facility, Moreno Valley, CA


July 7, 2015, 12:38 am Departed USPS Origin Facility,  Moreno Valley, CA


July 8, 2015, 5:48 am Arrived at Sort Facility, ISC Los Angeles CA (USPS)


July 8, 2015 5:48 am Arrived at USPS Origin Facility, Los Angeles, CA


July 8, 2015, 7:33 am, Processed Through Sort Facility, ISC Los Angeles, CA (USPS)


July 8, 2015, 3: 10 pm  Arrived  Los Angeles, United States


July 9, 2015, 2:25 am  Departed  Louisville, United States


July 9, 2015, 4:19 am Departed  Louisville, United States


July 9, 2015, 5:43 am  Departed Toronto, Canada (how can it be possible from Louisville to Toronto that fast??!!)


July 9, 2015, 7:52 am Departed  Toronto, Canada


July 9, 2015, 7:24 pm Departed Los Angeles, United States (Back to USA fromToronto??!!)


July 10, 2015, 10:32 am Processed Through Sort Facility CANADA


This is the latest information I got today.  Very strange mail system!!

Message 1 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

You are right, it doesn't make sense.
Message 2 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

I can see some tired bored clerk working from lists, punching in tracking information from pages that are not in chronological order.


And of course, tracking is usually Confirmation of Delivery. All it tells the reader is that the item was in some location at some time. Not where it is now.


In any case, tracking is useless (and expensive) for buyers.

Ignore it.

If your item does not arrive promptly, open a Dispute.

If the seller cannot prove delivery -- which is where DC/tracking comes in-- the buyer is refunded.


Tracking protects sellers against impatient or criminal claims of non-delivery.

Message 3 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

Not applicable

I am not of one impatient buyers.  I always like to check the tracking information to see how the mail system works and too often, they are not doing their jobs they are being paid!!


Worse case is Belgium which my package to the buyer was sitting at the customs department for 3 full months before the buyer called them to move their !  Other case (2 times), the customs department claimed no such address which was absurd!  It even includes the buyer's phone number, apparently they never check by calling this buyer.


Message 4 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

Community Member

The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I received a concerned  message from a seller in the US (Florida) re an item I'd ordered from her wondering if I had a problem with the purchase.


Well I hadn't received the item so I was not sure why she was concerned. I checked the tracking info she'd sent and it showed that the parcel had arrived in Montreal, gone through Customs ... and the next scan showed it was back in the US, and then on to Florida! I guess she thought I'd refused delivery or wasn't happy with the purchase and was returning it, based on the scans.


That very day the item arrived. I emailed her to reassure her that all was well...


I think that there is a glitch in the Canada Post scanning system maybe?

Message 5 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

Tired bored clerks scanning the wrong bar code probably.


The only important part of tracking is for sellers. Delivery Confirmation is protection against scammers claiming non-delivery.


Message 6 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

I agree with you that tracking is for the seller not the buyer.


I don't sell on eBay but elsewhere.  I tell  buyers upfront that no tracking is provided on items under a certain value, and have not had a problem (yet). Not  a single buyer has ever requested tracking nor have I had a claim for non delivery (yet). I have only sold about 150 items though, so I am not a big volume seller.


I guess the buyers who want tracking on their $25 item simply don't buy from me.  I do provide tracking on more expensive items (for my benefit)


Also possibly the venue I am selling on has fewer buyers who might be scammers? Who knows but sometimes it seems eBay attracts some odd bods.





Message 7 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

Also possibly the venue I am selling on has fewer buyers who might be scammers?


I suspect that eBay's insistence on tracking and on feedback has the unintended consequence of encouraging poor behaviour on the part of some buyers.

Only some of course, because most people are honest.

But where on sites where disputes are difficult and there is no careful record of buyer complaints, on low value transactions unhappy buyers may just write off their $7.83* purchase.


My attempts at using other sites have resulted not only in far fewer sales, but more 'dropped' sales and unpaid items than I get here. The number of disputes across all the sites is so miniscule that , well, that I generally don't bother with tracking either unless it is an intrinsic part of the service I'm using.









*The reason for the $7.83 figure is because I have a receipt in front of me for a latte and a pastry from a local coffee shop.

Message 8 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

Not applicable

Yesterday it stated "delivery successfully' even I haven't received the package!  And still nothing today!!  Hope it is not lost or somewhere! 


It is horrible that the tracking information can give the wrong information like mine, never before like this one.

Message 9 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

Go to the local postal outlet and see if the package is there.

Sometimes posties, or contracted delivery workers, will mark items 'delivered' before even attempting delivery. Which is very dumb.

Message 10 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

Not applicable

Actually they are supposed to delivery anything to my door.  Maybe on Monday, wait and see.

Message 11 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

Actually they are supposed to delivery anything to my door. 



Your English grammar has deserted you, temporarily.

Are they NOT supposed to DELIVER anything to your door?

Are they ONLY supposed to delivery to your door?

Did they promise to try again to deliver to your door?



Message 12 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

@Anonymous wrote:

Yesterday it stated "delivery successfully' even I haven't received the package!  And still nothing today!!  Hope it is not lost or somewhere! 


It is horrible that the tracking information can give the wrong information like mine, never before like this one.

Last year something very similar happened to me. It was an expensive item (well for me, over $300.)


For some reason I checked the tracking one morning..... and  had a melt down when I saw it had supposedly been "delivered" the day before. I'd been at home the day before and no postie had delivered anything.


In the heart of an Ottawa winter, there I was outside, looking for the parcel in our the garden. Digging through mounds of snow ...a sorry sight.


Well guess what? It was delivered without a problem within a day or two of the  premature "delivered" tracking info.


I hope yours will arrive on Monday. I know it is quite distressing to think something might have been delivered to the wrong address.  I wish I had never checked the tracking info because my imagination started getting the better of me.


If nothing arrives by Wed,  contact Canada Post  and see what they say since the problem is on their end.


Good luck!






Message 13 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

Not applicable

At least you can read and understand the meaning, never mind grammar!!  LOL!!

Message 14 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

Not applicable

Finally arrived today (Monday).

Message 15 of 16
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Hilarious tracking information!

Well, no.

Read my post again.

I had two possible interpretations of your words.


But your item did arrive. Excellent outcome.



Message 16 of 16
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