Its a little like whern McDonalds ran their 30 second campaign. If, while in the drive-through, you waited longer than 30 seconds between the time you paid and the time you received your food, they would give you a coupon for a free hamburger or free breakfast sandwich.
After 2-3 months of giving 8 out of 10 cars free vouchers they scrapped the program. The fact is, its all hype.
Can you imagine if we didnt give our customers the product exactly as we advertised it?
In my case do you think I could get away with sending someone a 6-string guitar when they ordered a 12-string or giving them a kazoo when they ordered a trumpet?
Canada Post is supposed to deliver, that is all they do. We pay according to a scale based on delivery time.
I dont really care if they have a guaranty or not. If I pay a premium for Express Post over Expedited over Ground Parcel, that premium is being paid to get that package to its destination within a pre-described time.
That is no different than selling someone something different than what they ordered. The law protects the consumer and we are the consumer with Canada Post.
With a CP account, I simply deduct for late deliveries and I refuse to pay. Whenever we come to reconcile, I may agree to pay ground parcel post but not for the premium service that assured delivery by 'X' days.