~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
I sent a package out on the 10th of November via Xpresspost, to the states. It still has not yet arrived and the tracking number registers as 'item has entered the destination country' on the 12th. I am assuming that this means it's at Customs. How long can I tell my lady it may take?

She's really peeved and wants me to investigate it or get CP to do that and I think the next request will be to refund her and keep the insurance for myself. I don't know what else to do.

Any suggestions??

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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
If your package was shipped via Xpresspost and it was delivered after the guarenteed delivery time you can get your shipping costs back from CP.
Message 21 of 33
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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
Wowsers, I didna know that. You learn something new every day!!! Thanks for the info!

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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
mahsauction is right. ExpressPost is a guaranteed service, Jackie. If they deliver outside of their guarantee you can claim back the postage. They will offer to send you stamps or a free envelope but will cut a cheque if you insist.



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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
Bill - this is dangerous knowledge. If I claim for all of my late deliveries, I will put them out of business. I hope you aren't a shareholder for CP!

So Bill, it has been ages since I have seen you here. I was actually getting worried. If you check the Drawing Room, I had asked after you several times and nobody answered me. :(((((((((((((( It's like I'm invissssssssssible.......*sniff sniff*

Have you been away or ill or did you go nuts or anything worth telling us???

Glad to see you Bubby!!!

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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
I have over $1,000 in back charges with CP right now. They want to cut a deal with me to clear it up.

Some of the charges are because I deducted for late deliveries and some due to overcharges.

Clearing it up wont do much as I tell them becuase they continue to overcharge and deliver the occasional package late.

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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
Malcolm - are you really serious here??? Do you have a merchant account with CP? Just how does one go about getting 'revenge' for a late delivery. What is the process??

I learn SO much from you Malcolm 🙂

Message 26 of 33
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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
I do have a merchant account. With no history with CP, I negotiated a level 3 last January. I found out in June they are charging me at the level 2 (Canada, US and International) but there is not much difference in the rates anyway.

I used to be billed every week, 2 weeks after shipping and had a week to pay, so I got 30 day terms. I now get billed once a month so so I am averaging just over 5 weeks to pay.

When I review my bills and see things I disagree with I deduct and send them a detailed letter with the reasons for my deduction and I short-pay the invoice.

My method is really simple. CP doesnt like this at all though.

They want me to call one department to deal with one deduction, call another department to deal with another deduction and a third department for another deduction.

As an example, late deliveries are supposed to be addressed to their Claims Department. Extra charges not requested (signature) are to be addressed to their Accounts Managemnt Group.

Well unfortunately I am not Canada Post. I dont have an army of employees nor will the Canadian Government bail me out should I overhire staff and not make a profit or even break even.

I am not about to call 4 different CP departments to sort out their billing and delivery problems. My philosophy is quite simple. I tellthem I am going sailing on my boat and when I get back I want their problems fixed.

I short pay them. If they want to get paid they prove to me that I am wrong otherwise credit my account. And yes I receive weekly compter-generated dunning letters threatening to cut off my line of credit and once in a while I shoot off a "Malcolm" letter threatening to sue them and so life goes on.


Remember Jackie, ya gotta have fun with it all or it aint worth the effort!

Message 27 of 33
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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
You're right about that, Malcolm!

Message 28 of 33
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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
I have had freight refunded. 2 times. Was a 5 day guarantee and it took 10 days to arrive. The CP person I talked to told me that if it is a day or 2 over the guarantee they will generally not reimburse as short customs delays are normal.
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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
Labels, the next time a CP employee say something like that you should challenge them with the question "So what does the word guarantee mean?"

I've had the same comment made to me. When challenged they have always caved and I have always received the refund. If the guarantee is five days - then its five days. I have noticed that CP is now starting to fudge a little on their guarantees by suggesting that the delivery guarantee is 5-6 days. My feeling is that they will eventually back right out of offering guaranteed delivery.



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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
Its a little like whern McDonalds ran their 30 second campaign. If, while in the drive-through, you waited longer than 30 seconds between the time you paid and the time you received your food, they would give you a coupon for a free hamburger or free breakfast sandwich.

After 2-3 months of giving 8 out of 10 cars free vouchers they scrapped the program. The fact is, its all hype.

Can you imagine if we didnt give our customers the product exactly as we advertised it?

In my case do you think I could get away with sending someone a 6-string guitar when they ordered a 12-string or giving them a kazoo when they ordered a trumpet?

Canada Post is supposed to deliver, that is all they do. We pay according to a scale based on delivery time.

I dont really care if they have a guaranty or not. If I pay a premium for Express Post over Expedited over Ground Parcel, that premium is being paid to get that package to its destination within a pre-described time.

That is no different than selling someone something different than what they ordered. The law protects the consumer and we are the consumer with Canada Post.

With a CP account, I simply deduct for late deliveries and I refuse to pay. Whenever we come to reconcile, I may agree to pay ground parcel post but not for the premium service that assured delivery by 'X' days.


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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

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I have an even better one. Canada Post left me a voice mail saying that they would not likely pay out an insurance claim that I filed. The reasoning was that sometimes USPS forgets to scan that the parcel when it is delivered. For this reason they could not complete the claim. If this is the case what is the sense of buying insurance or having a tracking #. I know they are wrong and just trying not to cover a high ticket item. I'm going to call them tomorrow.
Message 32 of 33
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~~How Long Can A Package Sit At Customs~~

Community Member
If you have an account, deduct for your cost of the claim and the shipping costs.

It is CPs relationship with USPS, that is not your problem.

If you were a contractor and a sub contractor screwed up the job, you are responsible to the customer.

In this case, USPS is the subcontractor emplyed by CP and CP is fully responsible for the actions of USPS.

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