How can my S&H DSR be going down?

Can someone help me?

I just don't understand it.

Over the last 2 months I have eliminated (in most auctions...still a work in progress) all handling fees, I use the Paypal shipping calculator which usually knocks off another 10-25 cents. I offer shipping specials for multiple purchases and I even dabbled in free shipping (lost lots of money doing that)for a couple of weeks.

I include a note in each package explaining the item is from Canada with no handling fee etc.

I leave Feedback first saying the exact same thing.

Any other suggestions? Free shipping just does not make any business sense for me. I would lose money in just about every transaction. Most of my packages are sent to the U.S. as small packages between 250-500 grams.

I'm at my wits end trying to figure out how to succeed on ebay.

And while we're at it....any other suggestions to improve my other DSRs. I already ship 6 times a week and frequently make two trips a day to the P.O. Communication DSR is going down too. I don't get it. Each transaction gets at least 4 emails from me and I leave feedback first.

Message 1 of 12
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How can my S&H DSR be going down?

Hi Shari.

I know this is probably not the advice you're looking for, but give up trying to fix your DSRs.

DSRs are a big gimmick for eBay -- there's nothing you can realistically do to improve them beyond what you are doing -- and seriously think about all the time, money, and effort you're putting in -- for what reason?

This is a business, you want to make money in as little time as possible. You have very little control over buyer's marking your DSRs, so why try? Put your energy into selling more items, finding better items to sell, and possibly to *gasp* your off-eBay money-making pursuits. That's what a lot of us are doing.

You have phenomenal DSRs compared to me -- but I'm still selling items and making money. Trying to obtain the all-but-impossible 4.8 and above that eBay wants you to is just wasted effort for a little bit of saved eBay fees and possibly a better 'best match'. It's really not worth it. You're already doing very very well.

Good luck...

Message 2 of 12
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How can my S&H DSR be going down?

Community Member
vesivus - I agree with you- and have been very vocal about all the DSR nonsense.

Don't get sucked into to letting eBay run your business.

eBay dose not own your inventory- and does should not dictate what are the best business practices for you.

Deliver quality items, in a timely manner, and after all is said and done-

So- you c an do EVERYTHING RIGHT- and still sit there shaking your head wondering why it is costing you money, and your ratings are going down the toilet.

FORGET ABOUT THE DSR NONSENSE. If they are great- wonderful.
If not- DO NOT be tempted to give into any harebrained eBay suggestions.
Message 3 of 12
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How can my S&H DSR be going down?

Community Member
DSRs are a big gimmick for eBay....

You got it. Smoke & Mirrors people, smoke & mirrors. I'm boycotting DSR'S. Simply remove your dashboard from your selling manager and stay out of your feedback profile. That way you can completely ignore the fools at Ebay and their ridiculous DSR's, one way feed back, phoney discounts, and stupid dashboard light judgements. I am an excellent seller, doing business in an excellent way. If it isn't good enough for Ebay the screw Ebay. Get back to business and forget them. There are plenty off other off Ebay online auction sites who want your business.
Message 4 of 12
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How can my S&H DSR be going down?

Community Member


"Get back to business and forget them!"

Render unto eBay what is eBay's- And for everything else, mind your own business and benefit from its success.
eBay's job is to look after its shareholders.
Our jobs as seller is to make money for OURSELVES!!!!
Message 5 of 12
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How can my S&H DSR be going down?

Community Member
Hi shari_nat
I looked at your latest f/b. Your buyers are typically purchasing only 1 item. From a buyers perspective your shipping is high. If I bought the gap coat shipping was $11.78 & then bought VASO NxLabs Nitric Oxide Stimulator 240 shipping again $11.78. When I know you can ship those for $12.99 to me. I'm not saying that many people would buy that combo but your 2nd item is not getting any discounts. Therefore there is no advantage to buy another from you. It would turn people off to see they can't earn further discount until they purchase 3 items. Always try to keep your shipping as close to the actual shipping & handling. Nothing turns me off more than a seller making money on the shipping fees. Your shipping discounts aren't clear. Do the buyers get 1/2 off shipping for only items 3, 4, 5 or off the entire order? If it's only off item 3, 4, 5 it still might be too high.
Message 6 of 12
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How can my S&H DSR be going down?

Community Member
One of the things they kept repeating at eBay Live was not to worry about the 4's and do your best to not get the 1's and 2's. I agree that it's a bit of a copout and smells like an outhouse but in this day and age in the life of an eBay seller it does ring true.
Message 7 of 12
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How can my S&H DSR be going down?

Thank you everyone! I try not to take the DSR's personally but I really do. My ebay store feels an extension of me. I put my heart and soul into this and often wonder why I do this.
I guess I thought that if ebay is giving 15% or 20% off FVF, there should be no reason why I wouldn't qualify.

Faerywishes, thanks for taking a good look at my auctions. I really appreciate you suggestions. It's always helpful to have outside opinions.

I don't make any money on shipping. Quite the opposite actually. I'll charge less than exact shipping price on two items and I see now that I have not explained that at all in my auctions. I'll definately go back through my auctions and try to explain it a bit better. I'll add 2 purchases into my half price shipping and explain that it is half off the actual shipping price not the total shipping cost for all purchases. I hadn't realized it was so unclear. It's good to have an outsider look at my auctions. Thanks.

All of my recent sales have been through my store. I've been gearing up for the big fall/winter kids clothing selling season which starts now. Tonight, as a matter of fact, I'll be sending lots to auction. The next few weeks is when I'll see if my shipping specials are working or not.

Thanks for the help everyone. Please keep the ideas coming!!

Message 8 of 12
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How can my S&H DSR be going down?

I'm at my wits end trying to figure out how to succeed on ebay.

Like others have said, stop even looking at your numbers! As jakeeangel mentions, make sure you do what it takes to avoid the big problems (obviously you already do) and don't worry about the day to day fluctuations of your 30 day numbers.

Other than the paltry discount that you can get for having really good numbers there is nothing in it for you. With average (or a bit less) ratings you will have "normal" exposure in Best Match, no restriction on your account and to buyers your 12 month numbers will look great.

Concentrate on having good quality merchandise, good looking and accurate listings, set your prices so you make a reasonable profit & make sure you are not losing money on shipping.

As for combined shipping, I think the easiest thing to do is to not try to be so specific (buy x get x% off shipping). I think it's fine to just say something like this, "we are happy to combine items to save you money on shipping, in most cases shipping for additional items will be about half the normal rate". If you just leave it like this then buyers will either just buy based on your statement or perhaps they will ask for a specific quote. I think for most buyers just knowing that you will combine and discount shipping is enough.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 9 of 12
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How can my S&H DSR be going down?

Community Member

How can my S&H DSR be going down?

Shari, the DSR statistics start making sense when you have much higher volume. With your volumes, even one person can take it down by almost 0.1 star.
Message 11 of 12
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How can my S&H DSR be going down?

Community Member
shari_nat - I'm no expert here- but I think far more sellers than you, have to worry about losing their PS status.
At face value- without knowing things that only eBay may know- your ratings look fine. Unlike some sellers posting here- you don't rack up NEGATIVE FB at an alarming rate. Regardless of the volume of sales, and percentages- 80 NEGS- and 150+ NEUTRALS in a six month period- which is alarming to me as a buyer. The fact that these people are permitted to display the PS logo is amazing in itself- that's a whole lot of unhappy customers.
You are NO WHERE near that. With your 2 NEUTRALS in a year- NO NEGS- what's to worry about?
You appear to be doing everything right- just keep on doing it.
It has worked in the past- why won't it continue to work in the future?
Message 12 of 12
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